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All Seq Water Dams Update


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Hope Hinze will reopen by friday as that is the first day that I am free. It is dropping quite rapidly .



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Lake Borumba boat ramp reopened due to increased water levels



The boat ramp at Lake Borumba (Borumba Dam) has been re-opened in time for school holidays with the water level up following recent heavy rainfall.

The temporary ramp, which is only accessible using 4WD vehicles, will also remain open to visitors while we continue to monitor the water levels over the coming weeks.

In August 2016, the first stage of an upgrade to the boat ramp was completed. owever due to the dropping water level it had to be closed and a temporary ramp was installed to maintain on-water access to the lake.

Stage two of the upgrade is still on track for delivery in 2017.

Upgrading the existing boat ramp was the safest and most cost efficient solution to improving accessibility to the lake. It has been designed to meet Australian safety standards, however when water levels are low we must close the ramp for people’s safety.

For more information, email recreation@seqwater.com.au

Run-off from recent results in recreational lake closures



There are several recreation closures in place as a result of the recent heavy rainfall which  generated significant inflows and runoff and caused raw water quality issues in our recreation lakes.

We’ve closed the lakes to primary contact activities such as swimming and skiing for your safety as they could result in exposure to pathogens, which may cause infections and gastroenteritis-like symptoms. For more information, download our fact sheet.

We will continue to monitor water quality, and will re-open each site to water-based activities as soon as test results indicate it is safe to do so.

Please play it safe and remain vigilant when visiting Seqwater recreation sites over the coming days. If you’re boating, remember to beware of potential submerged hazards in the water. The lake might be different to the last time you visited, with debris finding its way into the water and changed lake levels.

Trail conditions at our lakes may have also changed as a result of recent wet weather. Exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings and potential hazards.

As always, check the Seqwater website for the latest recreation and safety notices before you leave home, follow us on Facebook or download the Seqwater mobile app to stay up to date.

Please follow the direction of Seqwater staff and signage on-site.

Hinze Dam and Lake Moogerah remains closed to all water-based activities



Due to inflows to the lakes, Hinze Dam and Lake Moogerah will remain closed to all water-based activities until further notice.

These closures are in the interest of public safety. We will re-open access to lakes as soon as it is safe to do so.

Please play it safe and follow the direction of staff and signage on site.

All lakes remain closed to primary contact recreation while some lakes re-open for secondary contact activities



In the interest of public safety, Seqwater lakes will remain closed for primary contact (i.e. in-water) actvities including swimming, skiing and tubing, as a result of recent severe weather and inflows to the lakes.

Secondary activities including paddling and boating are permitted at recreation areas that are currently open.

Please refer to additional safety notice for current closures.

Hinze Dam and Lake Moogerah will remain closed to all water based activities due to inflows.

These closures are in the interest of public safety while water quality testing is undertaken. We will re-open lakes as soon as it is safe to do so.

Please follow the direction of staff and signage on-site.

Most of Seqwater land-based recreation sites have been re-opened



Access to Seqwater’s land-based recreation areas has now re-opened at most of our sites.

The following sites remain closed:

Baroon Pocket Dam - Northern recreation boat ramp

Hinze Dam – Eastern Boat Ramp

Hinze Dam – Western Boat Ramp

Lake Kurwonbah - Ski Road

Lake Moogerah - Lower Recreation Area

Lake Moogerah – Muller Park Boat Ramps

Lake Wyaralong – Trails

We will re-open sites as soon as it is safe to do so.

Please play it safe and observe the directions of signage and staff on-site.

Northern boat ramp at Lake Baroon remains closed



The boat ramp at the Northern Recreation Area at Lake Baroon remains closed to boats and trailers until further notice.

For your safety, please use the boat ramp at the Southern Recreation Area.

We are working on fixing the problem and the ramp will be opened as soon as it is appropriate to do so.

People with paddle craft are still permitted to use the ramp.  

Lake Atkinson, Lake Dyer and Lake Clarendon temporarily closed



Lakes Atkinson, Dyer and Clarendon remain closed to all water based activities due to low water levels and water quality issues.

Please follow signage and directions of staff on-site.

We will open the lake as soon as it is safe to do so.



New six knot speed limit at Lake Moogerah



A new six-knot speed limit is now in place at Lake Moogerah, in the northern section of the lake in Moogerah Gorge, at the mouth of Sandy Creek.

The changes have been gazetted by Maritime Safety Queensland and supported by Seqwater.

Please play it safe when boating on Lake Moogerah. Be aware of narrow inlet areas and submerged obstacles such as stumps and rocks, particularly when travelling at high speed.

Signage is being installed on site to advise lake users of the new restrictions. To view a map of restricted lake zones, click here.

For more information, visit www.seqwater.com.au/recreation

Six knot speed limits introduced at Lake Maroon



Six-knot speed limit zones will be introduced at two locations at Lake Maroon: one in the northern section of the lake in the basin adjacent to Slater Park and the Maroon Outdoor Education Centre, and the other in the southern sections of the lake at the mouth of Burnett Creek.

The changes have been gazetted by Maritime Safety Queensland and supported by Seqwater.

Please play it safe when boating on Lake Maroon. Be aware of narrow inlet areas and submerged obstacles such as stumps and rocks, particularly when travelling at high speed.

Signage is currently being installed by Seqwater to advise lake users of the new restrictions. To view a map of restricted lake zones, click here.

For more information, and to download a map of the restricted zones, visit www.seqwater.com.au/recreation


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