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Kurwongbah Lock Out.


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Went past kurwongbah on way back from NPD today and there were around 20 cars parked along the side of the road.

Found out why when we went past the gate  It was locked.

Obviously did not stop people from picnicking and yaking.

Nothing on SEQ water website about a closure.



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Reply from SEQ water.


Good afternoon Ray

Thank you for bringing this to our notice.

I have checked the security patrol log and notice that on Tuesday 25April the site was opened at 6-20am.

The security company have apologised for the delay which was a direct result of the security guard being caught up in road closures associated with Anzac Day marches.

Ordinarily the site is open much closer to 5-30am.




  The security must have been worried about the afternoon closures as the gate was locked at just after midday when we went past.



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