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NPD Championship Battle 25/7/17


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We had a good entertaining day at NPD. There were plenty of fish but the highlight was the pelican championship battle. Percy seems attracted to my boat and more so when we have a fish on the tether . Not only does he circle the boat eyeing off the fish on the tether he spends most of his time seeing off any other pelican that has the temerity to approach within 100 feet of the boat.

 Well today he had 3 upsurpers to contend with and it was on for young and old.






The battle went on for at least 10 minuites and only broke up when we moved and percy and his entourage followed us.

There was no more fighting but percy just spent all his time keeping all the other pelicans away from us.

We ended up with 69 bass and one yella.

I caught 4 tagged bass and Don caught one.

3 of the bass that I caught were from previous tagging days.

Once again no trophy bass with best going 45cm but plenty in high 30s and low 40s.

Back again on Friday.



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