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Top End Of The Condamine

Drop Bear

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Mrs Dropbear and I went for a bit of an explore drive the other day and found a track that follows the top reaches of the Condamine River near Killarney.598fb07eb7b96_NiceDrive.thumb.jpeg.5d400c292da077dfab48b0f74953f061.jpeg


We took the Carney's Creek Rd form Boona then Head Rd and took the 4wd only road at Koreelah. And yes we crossed the river 14 times. 20170806_110342.thumb.jpg.c6a49c28c651c55419bdad607ea35cf9.jpg

The home trip was via Koreela Creek and Burnett creek that flows into Lake Maroon. I found it really interesting  to see how much water is in the Condamine and it did my head in a little to see the water flowing west. It's so close to the ocean. What an amazing waterway the Murray Darling is. I need to learn more about it as I virtually know nothing. 20170806_111226.thumb.jpg.caba4b90de23addd63dde7e4084d7d5a.jpg

Has anyone fished this area? It looks good and deep and I wonder if there are Murray Cod up there or is there a big waterfall or something stopping them?

Anyhow its a great drive and I would love to do it again... this time with a rod in hand. 









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19 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:

Looks like a great drive Rob. What's the deal with the smoke around the tree?


It was on fire and looked cool. I got close and mrs db said be careful it doesn't fall on you. At that very moment a big lot of coals fell making a loud noise! I nearly answered the question anout do dropbears go in the woods. I


It didn't fall while we were there but probably would have later

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