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Hey guys, 

I have recently become interested in the field of micro Jigging and have purchased a Storm Gomoku Kodachi rod. Before I head out and buy the wrong types and colours of jigs I thought I'd ask any of you who may have experience micro Jigging around the reefs along Sunshine Coast or just Jigging in general. 

My main question is the million dollar question. What type of jigs, weight and colour do you recommend for say Snapper, Tuna and mackerel and what technique do you apply to those jigs. 

My other question is just as out there. Where do you recommend I start my Jigging because we head out to reefs around Mooloolaba but not as far as Barwon banks. Do I sound around for schools of fish (hard enough for me as it it) or do I just burley up and jig as I have some baits down. 

Also would you jig while drifting and how high do you raise the jig? 

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Hey mate, it's probably my favourite type of fishing at the moment. I love the slower jigs like Gomoku Koika's and Slow Rockers, weight depending on the depth. 40g is good for pretty much everywhere in the bay (or up to 15m) but it really depends on current. You can fish lighter jigs in deeper water if there's no current. I usually drift, but in saying that, anchoring on a reef or rubble patch and cast/retrieve hopping it along the bottom is also popular, guys like Sammy Hitzke are smashing it in the bay. If you are heading out to the Gneerings then 40-60g jigs would be sweet if you are drifting with minimal wind. I've found slow, fat jigs are ideal for pretty much anything on the reef, slimline jigs like Shimano's Colt Sniper are good on the Tuna (and everything esle) from what I hear. At the end of the day it's dependant on what type of fishing you do, if there's not much current, you can jig while at anchor if you are smart about where you drop your jig and try to keep your line as vertical as possible. Goodluck fella!

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Everything @timtam_ said. The jig that I've had most success with is the IMA Gunne. It looks like the most unassuming jig but it has caught more fish than others I have used. 20 and 30 grams have been the best when conditions allow but 40 & 60 have to be used if the drift or current is stronger. 

The method of jigging changes depending on what you're targeting. If chasing reef fish  close to the bottom I use a lift and dance the jig in the one spot before pausing, then lift another meter and repeat. Do this to about 5 meters off the ground then drop back down to keep it in the strike zone. 

If you don't get any hits change the speed slow, medium or fast. Once you get a hit then concentrate on that method.

Just the other day when I was using a soft vibe and basically slow jigging with it. I was not getting a hit so thinking the fish we saw on the sounder were a little off to the side of our drift we decided to move the boat for over for another drift. I quickly retrieved the vibe to make the move and bang got hit by a 70cm Kingfish. Had I not moved the vibe/jig fast we probably would not have got that hit. That is why you keep changing styles throughout the day.

If you are targeting Amber jacks and Kingfish slim knife jigs get down quickly and can be worked fast to entice a hit. Very tiring but very exciting at the same time. 

I learn't a lot by going to a jigging night presentation at Jones Tackle in Chermside. If you see another its worth going for sure.

Good luck.

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