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First Time On The Pine

Drop Bear

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Well that was an exciting phone call.

@Luvit just called and we are meeting at the pine at 4.30am.

First trip prawning for Quampie and apart from a little go with @Tybo at the Social last year first real go for me.

Wish us luck! Prawn sandwiches for lunch tomorrow I hope. Now off to clean out the boat and have a few more practice throws :)

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Well it was an early start and I needed a bit of a nanna nap so sorry for the lateness of the report.  

Deep water bend boat ramp is only a small affair. 2 wide and only enough pontoon for 2 boats... 3 at a pinch. I wonder how it would go on the weekends in March when they are reallllly on?? It must be a boxing ring to get to the ramp.


@Luvit met me there at 4.30 as planned and we easily launched.

He showed me a few of the normal spots like right at the boat ramp, near the bridge but we went further up to a corner and dropped the pots. 


There was not much showing on the sounder but a few little things. Luv it and @Tybo had given me lots of pointers on how to throw and I felt I did ok today. 

We got them in 2s and 3s. The boat record was 6 and both luv it and I got this. We saw a few others get more than this but not many and not often. 


This was my first real stab at them so I had no real preconceptions so it seemed pretty good to me. 

We ended up with more than a kilo but the mud crabs were sleeping in. big good baits untouched. 

This little mate sat on the boat and I fed it some herring. A stunning white herron.



So from my point of view a very successful trip. Quampie was a good girl too. She is ideal for this sort of thing. The electric is a cracker. Not fast enough really to move around when there was a big current but I quickly learnt how to work the spot lock and manual modes. 

I have to sort out the trailer though... its hard to get it to line up on the middle rollers... very annoying in a tide or a wind. @aussie123 do you sell guides or something I can bolt on so it self centers? 

Luvit  wouldn't take his share of prawns. Thanks! so I have a stack for dinner tonight. We are having dinner with Mrs Drop bears mum and dad so perfect timing. 

I had a couple for lunch. They are so sweet and delicious. Much more flavour than I am used to with the frozen ones. 

I think this is a really easy good option for people with tinnies to have a stab and get a feed. 

The cheep top pocket net I bought last year worked really well. I have one little tear in the bottom but no biggie really. I am really keen to explore Tingalpa creek as I hear they can be in there. 

I will have to get a smaller sacrificial net to throw into areas I don't know so I don't loose my 12 foot top pocket. 

Thanks and give it a go.



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Although not one of the most productive mornings we were able to scrap a feed together. Your throwing is excellent for such a short time practicing. I would go as far to say you are at least as good as what I throw or better. I'm no expert but as you can see you don't have to be to get a feed. You will just have to throw more times than someone who opens the net fully on every cast.

Everyone today on the Pine struggled and kept moving around to fine them, to no avail.

A mud crab would have been a bonus but we would have to be lucky in such a short time period.

Quampie is perfect for this and the Suzuki is very quite. I was happy just to get out and do it again after missing a couple of years.

Thanks for the invite Robbie had ball.

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