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Recent Camping & Fishing Trip Mission Pt Bribie


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First post since joining site so hope it all works.

Took my Grandson on his first combined camping and fishing  trip to Mission Point which is a great part of the world. Legal fish were few and far between but caught lots of undersize grassies and spotted grunter. Campsites are right on the water from about half tide, weather was great.




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Nice one @MSB .  I agree Misson Point is an awesome spot and even better that it's only accessible by boat.  I live in Glass House and often put the boat in at Roys and head down for the kids to go for a swim.  heaps of grunter and annoying diamond trevally around at the moment 

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Hi Doyley

Thanks for your response, since you are up that way, not sure if you already fish them, but  there is some awesome gutters that run hard up along the mainland side from the ramp at Roys,  south down to the mouth of Coochin Ck, these gutters move plenty of water and  hold really good whiting  first few hours of the run in, reverse for flathead run out, yabbies will do the trick here, worms even better if you can gather your own or get a loan from the bank and buy some.

Those little fish you are calling diamond trevally  might be pony fish which are everywhere at the moment in the gutters around Donnybrook . Check out attached pic.



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5 hours ago, tugger said:

That spot looks great I like the fact it is only accessible by boat I might have to venture up that way, your grandson would have loved it now you have started another fisho off.

Hi Tugger , yep its a great spot 12 campsites in all, only thing to be aware of is the vertical 4 mtr drop off at low tide when exiting the boat, few people come unstuck over the years including me. Grandson has been fishing since he was 4 and he is now 11, first camping trip for him though and he is keen to go again which is good.

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5 hours ago, Doyley said:

Thanks MSB, yes pony fish not diamond trevally.  

I know those gutters you are speaking of. I do most of my fishing around there. Almost guanteed a feed if fishing there with fresh,  live bait.

im sure I’ll see u out there at some stage.

Yes would be a pleasure to meet you

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17 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:

Great first post mate, welcome to the site. Good to see you getting the grandson out fishing at what looks a top spot to camp and do some fishing, I'll have to check it out sometime. What are the bities like in summer?

Those pony fish are meant to be slimy little bu99ers aren't they?

Thanks KMC,  the mozzies and midges will take to  some  people  if they don't put some bushmans repellant on before you get there, they leave me alone and I rarely  put any repellant on,  possible the rum turns them off!  Camp sites are all right on the water, some more then others, worse case scenario at low tide,  anchored on 4mtr vertical drop off, maybe 20mtrs max from campsite, see pics. 

I normally time camping trips of say 3 nights to coincide with early morning high tides between 5.00am to 7.00am , that way you can fish early morning and late afternoon into the evening, and pull up in your boat 2mtrs from camp site, also gives you the opportunity to  sit around camp having a few coldies during the heat of the day.



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On 1/22/2018 at 12:39 PM, MSB said:

Took my Grandson on his first combined camping and fishing  trip to Mission Point which is a great part of the world.

great stuff. Nothing better than getting kids into fishing. Set them up with a great healthy lifestyle for ever. That water looks fantastic and your boat looks like a cracker. Some great shots there too. Quite the photographer. What a great first report. Thanks. 

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1 minute ago, Drop Bear said:

great stuff. Nothing better than getting kids into fishing. Set them up with a great healthy lifestyle for ever. That water looks fantastic and your boat looks like a cracker. Some great shots there too. Quite the photographer. What a great first report. Thanks. 

Thanks Drop Bear, appreciate your kind words

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16 hours ago, MSB said:

I normally time camping trips of say 3 nights to coincide with early morning high tides between 5.00am to 7.00am , that way you can fish early morning and late afternoon into the evening, and pull up in your boat 2mtrs from camp site, also gives you the opportunity to  sit around camp having a few coldies during the heat of the day.

Magic spot. Do you do any crabbing up that way?

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Just now, Drop Bear said:

Magic spot. Do you do any crabbing up that way?

Mate I have 4 collapsible pots my Son brought me 10 years ago and have never used them, now I have retired I intend to. To answer your question there is plenty of crabs being caught up this way at the moment particularly sandies, also get muddies up the creeks and at some places in the passage, school holidays the place gets smashed and some share farmers here as well.

On recent camping trip with my Grandson, there were small sandies everywhere in the water at Mission Point, he was catching them in the yabbie sieve, keeping them in a bucket of sand & water overnight and letting them go the next morning, see attached pics.20171219_145247.thumb.jpg.379ee27d62406ced7256e57342afbf62.jpg


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