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New Tinny


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Hello everyone,

I am in the process of searching for the perfect boat with the good Covid19 prices. As there is another year of good buying (especially when JobKeeper ends next year), I could be waiting a while. I have decided to purchase a tinny to use while I wait and sell it when I get a bigger boat. The tinny I am looking at is a 3.8m V-hull savage. It has a 10hp Honda 4 stroke on the back. The motor pumps tons of water, has no smoke and only 2 rusted bolts (easily replaced) and starts first pull. It supposedly has only 45 hours in fresh water. Basically, the outboard runs really well. The seller said he would take $1300 and we are testing it on the water in the coming days. It is cheap as the trailer needs repairs and he has a new boat (I don't need to worry about the trailer as I have a boilermaker in the family). I am just wondering if this boat could get on the plane with about 250kg of load (9 inch sounder, 16kg battery, electric outboard, 2 people, flooring, Bimini etc.)? Would a stainless steel prop and a hydrofoil help planing and speed? For both of these new, it would cost $380 all together. I don't really care about top end speed as long as it planes. It would only travel a max of 5km between spots.


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If you didn't have 250kg on it I would say probably ok. I did up a project boat a few years ago and made the mistake of putting in too much weight with floors and casting decks etc. It made it a terrible boat. a 3.8 is a small boat already. I would not recommend you putting in any flooring unless you push it up to a 20hp

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