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Brisbane River Wed 28th


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Finally got out on the water yesterday in the Outfitter, it was suspose to be Tuesday but a mate from the UK turned up unannounced so rude lol:laugh:

A bit of a late start cause of the catch up from the night before, got the wife to drop me and the yak down at the Comslie Reserve around 8ish organized to meet another mate there about 8.30am with a 9am launch in mind.Plan was to flick SP's along the opposite bank while the tide dropped and once the current had died down head back over to the shipping terminals for a flick around the pylons.

Did no good on the nth bank not a touch in 2hrs or so.So the decision was made to peddle back over and start having a crack around the terminal. To say the least it was an adventure once we got back across the river(love the Hobie Outfitter both of you having a dig she gets up and gets across the other side nice and hasterly) I threw a Mask Vib on the BC and old mate throwing a 3" nuc chook minnow, we just started casting and next thing you know there is a river trawler fair up our clacker trawling bang on his 30meter buffer zone so we high tailed out of there and rode it out on the bank side of the terminal until he had past:angry: :woohoo: :evil:

Went back out front for another hour or so for nothing so we came in for lunch about 1pm. The tide had turned and was running in so the new game plan was to troll HB's along the bank behind the terminal. Over the next couple of hours we landed 2 bream 26cm fl a 27cm fl 6undersize bream and 1 undersize tailor. All fish except the 26cm bream were taken on sx48's and 60's the 26cm fl was taken a Bushy Stiffy.

Off the water just after 4.30pm a long day but still managed a couple of fish for dinner finally i don't have to listen to wife say "why don't you use bait instead of lures atleast you'll catch something......)

Cheers for reading

The launch site and the OutFitter battle ready for the day:laugh: B)

Heath [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Yak_Fishing_002.jpg


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kriso wrote:

how do you go casting with 2 people in the yak?

Sorry Kriso been away with work for the last 5 days or so. Casting with 2 people in it is very easy as long as both people know what they are doing havent had a drama yet. When the wife is with me i seem to do alot of trolling rather than cast and retrieve though lol:laugh:

Webb funk the 4rods are only set up like that to launch once we are under peddle power 1 rod each goes in to the front and rear scotty's for trolling and 2 rods sit it in the flush mounts at the back. If i do any cast retrieve I just position the yak so I am casting with my right shoulder side on to the middle of the yak not casting over the rudder.


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