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Still some Jacks around


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Just went for a Yak in the upper Bruns. Got a bream 2 flatties and fought a Jack for 5 mins on my 1-6lb rod. Was a really great fight and I had no idea it was a Jack until I got it to the side of the Kayak. It flicked its head as I was about to slip the net under it to get a pick and threw the hook. Would've released it anyway so all good and was around the 40cm mark.

Tried for ages with Baitcaster after that to get another one but only got the one flattie on a chubby.

All the other fish were on 3" power minnow in some blue colour on a 1/20th TT HWS.

Will have another go tomorrow unless the wind is unbearable

Some guy told my dad he got busted up by one near the mouth so they must be hanging around longer this year.

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nah, nothing but some woody snags but it ran out to deep water. I was calling it for an 80cm flattie right up until I got it Yakside. I was targeting bream mainly so it was just Bycatch. I'll try my gun jack spot tomorrow morning but I'll take heavy gear as it is impossible to land them there on light gear.

Oh and it faught the longest and hardest of any jacks i've caught but it was also on the lightest gear.

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They're the best fights to have Dan, the only time I wouldn't enjoy it would be if I was just catch and release fishin. Plenty of fish around at the moment if you're game, had a couple of guys on KFDU get PBs today in the fresh at Wivenhoe.

See ya


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Good one Dan, Sounds like you're having a ball. Jack's should be around untill August. Depending on how fast the water temp drops. Did you enjoy the fight better on the lite tackle?

I was reading an article today where a guy couldn't gain any line back fighting a Jack, He was useing 30lb braid with 50 or 70lb leader:blink: Very imppresive.


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Thanks chubbs, actually I prefer fighting them on bait casting gear. I felt like all I was doing fighting the fish was letting my drag run and run and run and run. But you never really get to feel the weight of the fish and its true power. Each to their own but I prefer the fight to be more man VS fish with locked up drag. Just my preference though, I can see why people like the long drag running fights on light gear it just isn't my thing.

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uglyfish wrote:

jacks should be round till august???never heard of that before.even back up home they go off round this time of year...id say the water temp will drop pretty damn fast now after this rains gone

Mate I'm only repeating what I read in this months Bush'n'Beach, but to be honest I was that buggerd last night when I read it, it could have said christmas:blush: :laugh:

I'll have another look and see how far off I am:huh:


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Tried again today for a couple of ours. Got one big hit on VT65 but ended up being a dirty big Freshwater eel around 1.5M approx. Fought really hard too but was hoping it was something more impressive. Ended up doing some flattie jigging and got a few around the 40cm mark.

Either that one yesterday was a fluke and it was a rogue or I just wasn't good enough to get another bite today.

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Ok it says the Jack season finnishes around the end of "May":blush: with the odd Jack caught during the colder months, He starts fishing for them again half way through August. In my tired, mixed up mind I got it ass arse about:S

Still doing well though Dan, It could be a lot worse, you could have been at work all day like me:(


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