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Noosa Long Weekend Report


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Ill make this short and sweet as it was a lot of the same, but bloody fun!

Dad and I fished several hours each day Kayak. we used 2 inch GULPs, Damiki Vaults and some prawns when having a a rest.

Upon retiring the unit we would usually sit and flick poppers and damiki vaults from the Jetty in the evening. My sister and Tanya would usually join in on these sessions.

All up I think I caught around 100 Bream. No joke at all. It seemed someone was always onto one. Dad also managed his first bream on a hardbody that went 34cm! (see FOTM entries). He also managed a couple (2 or 3??) on GULPS and dozens on prawns.

The schools were so thick that in the day boats were literally touching each other on the point in the channel. Paddling past them it seemed 2 or 3 people were always pulling in a bream.

Only other species caught were 1 whiting to me and 1 flathead to Dad. About 805 of teh bream were around the 28-30cm range so great fun really for just a muck about session.

Pictures to come tonight.


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