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Tingalpa Ck 6/8


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After uni in the morning i put the kayak on the car and headed down to tingalpa ck. Once i battled the slimiest boat ramp on earth i found a good bank and instantly i was getting bites and hookups every cast. I dropped about 3 suspected little flatties :pinch: before finally hooking up to a decent fish. It screamed the 4lb of my spool towards the snag across the creek so my immediate indication was that it was a good cod but then it turned away and gave a typical flattie fight. after fighting it for about 4mins i was expecting it to be new pb but as it surfaced it turned out that i had side hooked it hence the great fight and was only 52cm.The wind then picked up pretty badly and i struggled to find any more fish.

Tingalpa ck has some of the best snags i've ever seen but i couldn't fish them properly due to the wind and i reckon we'll have to take the boat there with some livies to see what we can pull out.

Wasn't much of a trip but it's the first half decent fish i've got out of the kayak in a few trips so i was happy.:);)

the flattie was released

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Well done...it's a haven for flatty , whiting , bream and even soapies - in the past week I have pulled up cod , soapies , bream flatty , whiting , tailor , pike...all on sp's...I fish there often when the wind is no good for the bay - there has been a recommendation by DPI that fish not be eaten from tinny ck - I throw everything back - I know others who eat their catch - they are yet to grow a third eye !!its a muddy , weedy , smelly polluted creek - that does have its good days - and after fishing it , I don't just wash my yak - I sterilise it and scrub it - near the train bridge southern side is some deeper holes - fun hooking up to soapies and bream there - park your car away from the trailer area - its a pay as you go if you get caught - its for cars with trailers only....good luck and max lb in there i use is 6 - any heavier and you seem to get bugger all !!

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