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Coochin and some BIG fish


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BAsskid (Will) and I hit Coochin this afternoon in his Stessl.

Started as little slow with not much action, then I got a solid hookup on an SX48 New it was a good fish straight up gave him lots of hurt then I see the Red yeeha a Jack not a bad one either probly 40-45cm then dam pulled the hooks, No on closer inspection he straightend one of the trebbles :blink::angry: :angry: :angry: oh well back to it, got around a corner and Saw some massive Silver fish Smashing big mullet probly 25cm long up against a bank then another :woohoo: :woohoo: So I chucked on me biggest surface Lure a Tango Dancer, a couple of casts in and BAng first hit but he missed, he followed the Lure right to the boat thats when we got a good look at him a Tarpon :woohoo: :woohoo: and he had to be 80cm long sitting right under me lure eyeing it off ;) ;) Twitch twitch BANG bloody hell he misses again, how the hell do these things survive they miss the lures so much lol. Not much action for a while excpt sighting some Bull sharks cruising the shallows which was cool. We continued with the surface lures with BIG fish smashing full size mullet all over the place but just couldnt entice another strike. Headed back to the ramp just after dark to find a COD Skeleton on the bank that had to be seen to be beleived, Easily the biggest I have seen taken from an estuary around this way, she would have been 1.2-1.3m long and bloody fat. Sorry no pics

Just kidding :woohoo: :woohoo: a shame to see such a big fish killed but gives u some confidence that they are out there and probly an idea of what some of those unstopables up there are

Now keep in mind that my size 15 over his tail

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Coochin/pa140230-web.jpg

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Coochin/pa140231-web.jpg

[img size=499]http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb161/pcsolutionman/Coochin/pa140233-web.jpg


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lol pinkey thats a stretch lmao someone put there boat in at say caloundra, went offshore caught the cod, came back to caloundra and instead of using the filleting tables there went all the way to coochin where there is none to fillet the fish ???? LMAO bit of a stretch, I think u might be suprised at the size of some of the fish up around this way


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Shame the hooks pulled on the jack!! Would have loved to see pics of it!!

I wonder why they left the skeleton of the cod there? That makes no sense to me at all. Why not throw it back in the water after taking the fillets off it...??

Was it a "fresh" skeleton or had it all dried out, because it looks quite fresh from the pics!!

Would have been a lot of fun to catch regardless!!

Shorty :)

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