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Sticky Threads???


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So with this new look site etc, I have just wondered if it was possible to make certain threads "stickies"?

As in if there is a thread that we think is important to a certain section and a topic that is always covered, and agreed to by the mods, we can "sticky" it to the top of the sections thread listing.

Just as an example, seeing the amount of threads that come up every month or 2 about what rod and reel combo to buy for basics, a lot of newies asking the question may feel a little dejected when there aren't heaps of replies of help. Its not that no one wants to help, its just that its been covered heaps.

Or maybe someone can create an article and we can stick it in the "hints and tips" section???

Just a thought....

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Do$tylz wrote:

Sweet. Now that i know its an option, i'll keep my eye out for ones that I think are worth it. Might have a bit of a troll through some old threads tonight.. will post the shortcuts found here... :)

Thanks Webby

there is a thread about dangerous fish encountered in the brizzy river with bullroutes, happy monents, blue ring octopus, this thread with any photo's might help some ppl avoid them.. i don't know how to do all this, computer dummy:huh:
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