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Targeting Species (A paternoster fest!)


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So I'm doing quite well on catching Bream, with the occassional small Whiting. How do I go fishing for other species? I'm currently using sinker/swivel/leader combo. Is it a matter of different bait, or a different technique, or a different place to fish, or is it all down to luck?

Any info much appreciated.

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I asked for that answer, didn't I!!!:blush:

My main haunt is Tingalpa Creek. I've heard there are cod there and the odd mangrove jack. How do I get onto these? My rods are all light (6lb-ish) I've got some hbs, sbs, and a popper. Would there be flatheads and catties there, d'ya reckon? How would I get onto those? I've pretty much sussed out the snags, so I can cast to points, as it were. There are a lot of mangroves on the far side, over hanging trees on the near side, there appears to be a drop off in the middle. (line tight, then goes well loose when I reel it in a bit.) Best Bream have been close to the bank. Does this help with an answer?

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I think if you are fishing with bait its more of a lucky draw, won't know what you can get. If you are interested in only one specific species i think lures are better in that regard. that said you can always get some bycatch as well. I know with flatties soft plastics work well and you're supposed to fish the outgoing tide for flathead. thats about as far as my luring knowledge goes for targetting a specific species unfortunately

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Mate if you're stuck at the one spot (ie pontoon) and you're on bait, you can try and rig your bait in different parts of the water column. Weighed to the bottom, paternoster rig so its up to 50cm off the bottom, under a float, or let it float off unweighted.

Don't forget you can use prawns (live, dead, peeled, unpeeled), herring (live or dead), mullet flesh (large chunks, small chunks), squid, bread....

Take 2 rods with you next time, and set them both up a different way.

You say there's some good overhanging structure... flick out an unweighted prawn or mullet flesh at the structure and see how that goes.

Hope that helps.. :)

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these style lures work well for flattie.

8$ each so not too expensive either and you might even get somthing cheaper at woolies.

Dont get one that is too big.

have a flick around the edges of reed beds,structure and sandy channels on an outgoing tide.

also what stylze said can be rigged with a livie for Jack under bridges and around structure (never caught one but seen it on coastwatch)


[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/IMG_3654_AFO.jpg


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Nice one! Will see how I go and shorten as needed....

I'm not dissing the triple swivel, just don't have any at the moment and the moosus has banned me from the fishing aisles at Kmart and BigW!! (And she has taken an inventory of me tackle box......;) ) And to think I bought her a rod and reel last week, honest, it was for her!!!

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