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after a missed hook up


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I have been trying to target the sharks a bit lately I have had the most success from fresh eel. I had a miss hook up on Sunday ( visual the shark broke the surface of the water looked to be about 5 foot) and I was wondering if it is better to leave the bait out there (and hope it comes back) or to bring it in and check the rig/ change bait.

I’m using 30lb main line 80lb leader with 120lb wire trace with a 10/0 and an 8/0 hook I’m thinking of going to a gang setup after the bad hook ups on Sunday I had 3 misses standing to far away form the rod fishing with another line.

I seemed that the fist one bit the bait in half and missed both hooks but o well ill be back at it next sat. is anyone is interested in coming or is heading out and wouldn't mind some one tagging along let me know

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It's hard mate, but leave it out there.

I usually make a judgment call as to the severity of the attack, if its serious I'll leave it out for an hour or so in a hope it comes back, if it seems like not much happened (small run and everything feels in tact) I'll leave it out there all night

Without seeing the size of the bait, and based purely on what you are using, and the hook size your 'problem' is probably more related to using too small a hook.

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Yeah as the other lads said, depends on how big a shark you are targeting. If you are in the upper reaches of the river "most" of the sharks are submetre in length, and 10/0 are overkill! For this size shark 2/0 - 4/0 is all you need with a suitable sized bait. Too big a bait and too much hook on these little pups, and they will happily chew the bait around the hooks:angry: A little gauge wire will help too.

For bigger sharks, listen to TerryH;)

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I think I am going to change my set up I have the fist hook-up I missed would have been fine on the 10/0 when i got a look it was 1.5m+. but the bait I pulled in when I was leaving had teeth marks in it but i think it touched the 8/0 and spat it out I did not like the shape of that hook any way (was only a small one any way) i know they are out there and i am just refining what im trying

i grew up in mackay and up there you try not to catch them :ohmy:

the bait small-bait.jpg

Another question I have is about tagging sharks. I find it interesting and would not mind tagging some of the larger sharks I may catch any info on this guys?

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TerryH wrote:

bit hard to see the hooks?


If you don't have the barb and a good bit of gape pointing out, you don't have much of a chance of setting the hook.

As for tagging sharks, try PMing Neil Schultz, he has done it a bit. From his previous comments, I don't think tags stay long in bullies, although my mate actually caught one that had been tagged a few months previous.

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pity about the tags. tho i might still look into it a bit more.

sorry about the picture quality but its my phone and it does not like taking pictures at night. after talking to some of the boys at work that do alot of fishing and some comments from around here and a pm i think i will have to put the bait on a bit better. so more of the hook is exposed.

im going out sat i have decided so i will be trying 2 different rigs the 10/0 and a smaller setup to see witch one i like better.

thanks for all the comments

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