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Bli Bli today 3/11/08 Report


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After cast netting up some livies this morning I headed up to Bli Bli. Got there around 11am to a nice little breeze and a slight ripple on the Big Boys pond. Set up a heavy outfit with a live Mullet for the mixed pond and then threw a few pellets out into the big boys. It didn't take long for the Barra to start smashing the pellets. So I rigged up the 6lb and started to play the game.

After about 30 minutes and heaps of casts and bait changes I finaly got onto a live one. Typical Barre run with drag screaming, gain line then loose it again. Had a great tussle for about 10 minutes and then got my leader rubbed off:lol: I didn't mind, it was a great fight that the fish won in the end:) Anyway re-rigged and casted for about 2 hours with a couple of takes but no hook ups:dry: They are smart buggers, But I guess they have to be. They have people throwing everything bar the kitchen sink at them day after day after day.

Anyways Finaly got another hook up, Another great fight, I stared in one corner of the pond and ended up down the other end before landing her. She was a fat well conditiond fish that weighed 16lb and went 78cm(I cant remember, but photo will tell the truth;) )

[img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/03112008130_AFO.jpg

I wanted to catch a Barra on my old Diawa Regal reel before I finaly put it into retirement. So changed the Advantage over to the Regal and began casting away again. After a few hours and one missed strike I finaly hooked up to a frieght train, My poor old reel got the work out of her life. The differance between reels is amazeing. The Advantages drag is so smooth, the poor old Regals drag was jerky and and damn hard work.

Any way after about a 20 minute fight and some air time buy the Barra, I got her in 83cm. I didn't think to weigh her, but she wasn't as fat as the first fish. I had a hard time trying to get her to swim away, but after swimming her for about 15 minutes she finaly kicked off.

This post is turning into a novel!!!! Longer story short Caught 4 fish all up, with the biggest being 83cm.

No-body from AFO showed up, so I fished solo.

Sorry for the long post, but belive it or not I could have writen a lot more about today. Great fun:woohoo:



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threadybuster wrote:

did you get those on the livies or lures?

I caught them on Chicken Twisties.

Last time that I was there, I watched a very good lure fisherman, useing big brand/expensive lures all day with no takes. I wont waste my time even trying lures there untill they re-stock with new Barra.

I didn't get a touch on the live's, but I did give a small mullet to a dude I met up there and fished with all day. He put it under a float and at about 5:58 he got his first ever Barra. Was a trip watching the Barra smash the Mullet about 6 times on the surface before being hooked.


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I was told they re-stock in Febuary, But I herd a whisper today that they are going to re-stock this month:woohoo:

I'm sorry Jimmybob, But I wont be able to make it on your birthday:( I'll be working. I did speak with the dude up there about a AFO overnighter. He told me that if we could get around 20-30 people to attend, the Barra park would hold it on any night that we choose:woohoo:


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after watching the formula 1 on monday morning start time at 4.00 oclock i had to watch this bloody race as it was the last 1 for the season, and fell asleep 5 laps before the finish, shit, does anyone know who won the drivers championship. anyway i woke at 1.30 this arvo, so by the time i got there it woulda been time to come home, sorry mate..

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Hi Jayson,

I'm so sorry I couldn't get up there to fish with you. I had been so keen to get up there and was all set ready to go when the home alarm started playing up and was arming itself when it shouldn't and then wouldn't arm when it was supposed too.

I spent the day running to the alarm to deactive it until the technician arrived to have a look at the problem. He didn't end up leaving until almost 6:30 last night - what a way to spend a fkn day!! I wouldn't wish that on anyone!! :( The day started off so promising and with such high expectations to then have to sit around home all day long with an alarm going off every couple of minutes with an ear piercing siren going off each time....

I'm really happy that you got into a couple of barra and wish I could have been there to see it all in person. I'm still on leave for the next 3 weeks and if you'd like to go back up there again, I'm more then keen to head up there and meet up with you.

I really wanna go fishing today but I'm just not into it....


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Smiderman wrote:

Jayson It looks like a great days entertainment. Whats the damage there per head??

Here's the web site for the park for those that are interested - it also has the prices for admission as well...


I still feel gutted...


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Yeh id love to come but im getting married on that day.. so will defently make it up next time.. have a 2 week honeymoon though and the second week have rented a power cat at the whitsundays again so will have to make up for missing the barra with some fish up there. :fishing:

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chubbstar wrote:

I was told they re-stock in Febuary, But I herd a whisper today that they are going to re-stock this month:woohoo:

I'm sorry Jimmybob, But I wont be able to make it on your birthday:( I'll be working. I did speak with the dude up there about a AFO overnighter. He told me that if we could get around 20-30 people to attend, the Barra park would hold it on any night that we choose:woohoo:


deffinately in for the allnighter jas, i might start a thread and see who is keen, so we need between 20 and 30, any good after this rain we're having ??
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