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The best way to test my battery


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Guys thanks for any help i just have to work has out

Went for a fish 2w ago to the pin did about 55k went to trim motor get that ticking noise thats how i left it yesterday so correct me if i am wrong

First check battery

Then charge battery

Then start motor and see the whatever:P is put a charge back in

Then check wiring oh i do have a kill switch cheers

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nevr had a lot to do with boats

ticking noise vcan often mean flat battery if you got an alternator.

Just throw a mutlimeter on it?

If it looks ok and you still suspect it, take it to a battery place and they will test it (load tester).

Marshal batterys on logan road have tested mine twice lol, and still tell me its ok, so they are legit and dont try to scam you.

But if it starts fine then its not your battery.


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hey mate if you dont trust them heres how you test a battery if you got a volt meter and a battery charger.

a battery can be fooked and still show a full 12.6v or so. ie. it still has a circuit through the charged up cells but not a good one. so when you put it under load(wind over) somewhere in the circuit has a bad conection and it can't draw the amperage you need through that section to supply the starter.

so you need to ensure the battery is charged right up 12.4-12.6 abouts. connect it up ready to go.disconect the fuel line or remove spark plug leads watever just so it can't start.put you volt meter across your battery neg pos so you have the readin 12v and then get someone to turn the engine over and the voltage will drop down.a good battery will not drop below 9v and should hold it for easily for 10 seconds or more. a cactus battery will drop down to anywhere below 9v but usually3 or 4v.that is the test the battery shop will do but with a special load tester.

if your trim is makin that noise and your engine still winds over i would say the batt is fine and it could be an electrical relay clickin in and out bout not send the full voltage throught to the trim motor.

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