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Young jewfish


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Hey guys,

i threw a line in under the indro bridge this morning @ the turn of the tide, and after a while of no action brought up a 40cm jew or river perch. I'm just hoping someone can help me identify which it was. Unfortunately I don't have a camera at the moment so no snaps :( but..

he was about 40cm as i said, profile of a jewfish but he was silver/white down below and right up the top of his body near the dorsal fin, he turned into a brilliant purple/pink hue. Very attractive little fish, big eyes and didn't have the snub nose of a river perch. I'm just wondering if young jews can be found with this pinkish/purple colour on top.

Released him unharmed btw, my best effort yet i think he was only out of the water for about 10 seconds :D gave him a bit of mullet for his trouble too.

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he looked pretty much exactly like that photo, but the pink/purple line was really "clean" and quite striking, and went from his nose to his tail.

a very nice and healthy looking fish.

cool, i guess i caught me a jewfish then hehe...

(psst, nobody mention that he was tiny)

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a piece of mullet fillet, the reason i say i gave him a bit of mullet for his trouble is cause i did a sloppy horrible job of baiting the hook initially and he took 1/2 the fillet off before coming back and getting hooked (at least i assume it was him both times =P )

i wasn't able to get any bites at all with prawns under there, i dunno what it is about prawns but all i ever seem to catch on prawns are 10cm breams.

i'm a big fan of mullet and chopped up pilchards.

anyway im gonna head back down there for high tide this arvo, maybe get another one :D

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yeah its my favourite bait by a long shot, seems to get me the most action and the most hookups. although i found some week old prawns and went under the bridge this morning and pulled a 68cm catfish in :D was fun while it lasted i guess.

had to cut him loose too, he had so much fight left in him i wasn't gonna pick him up. shot off like a bat out of hell when i cut the line. was really hoping for a bigger jew but ah well, next time.

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