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colleges crossing


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jeff f wrote:

Thanks Jeff.

Umm, that's looks a bit scary to me :unsure:

This could be my first and last paddle if that's how it is when I get there. Look for me in the nightly news on Sunday.:lol:

Thanks for the help guys.


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yeah the river out at colleges is very earthy , but you could catch tarpon , freshwater eels , spangle perch , grunter , eel tail catfish , bullies , catfish, bream , flatty, bass and heaps of mullet and boney bream at the moment, the key at the moment is live bait , i been using boney bream, mullet ,shrimp ,gudgeons and old faithful earth worms!! i have found that the tarpon and bass are having a good go at surface lures but they have zero visability and keep missing , it gets frustrating!!!! thats why i use some bait just to enjoy a few fights!!!it will be great when it clears up but that will take a fair while in to next year. all the earthy water is coming from lockyer creek which is a very sandy muddy creek and with each storm it keeps locker flowing like liquid earth!!!the river is safe to go for a paddle if we dont get a storm saturday arvo. Its a good paddle up to the lower weir ,just time it with about 1hour or two before top of tide , that way you paddle with the current up river , and by the time you have had a fish and look around , you can paddle back with the current..lol Im just lazy aswell!!!!here is a pic of the colleges no crossing after big flood..

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Thanks for the great info wesfish. By the way wesfish there is a pic re-sizing download available on the site. Just open the Community tab and click on Downloads. It's pretty easy but if you have any problems just ask on here and someone will be able to help.

I was going to hit the water about 7:30 on Sunday morning with my 2 boys so if anyone wants to join us you're more that welcome. I might just take 1 rod and a couple of lures just for some fun if I get up river a little bit. You never know. It was more about having a test paddle anyway. I'll take some pics and post Sunday night.


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