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Hooked myself in the eye


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This happened yesterday; Me and a Mate were at the pontoon at Indro's John Chandler park. I was packing the rod's into the car when one of the hooks came loose and went straight into my left eye. I literally had to yank it out, like I was taking it out of a fish. Single most scary experience of my life... I lost most of my vision in the eye for about 10 minutes and I feared that I had been blinded. There where drips of blood trickling out of the eye.

My mate took me to RBH emergency in a frantic rush and 5 hours later, after seeing 4 different doctors/nurses, and a crap load of tests & eyedrops put in, I was allowed to go home. The hook only scratched the white of my eye on the inside, then lodged somewhere near the top of the eye. It really felt tlike it had put a tear right through my eyeball. Thank God it didn't, or I would have been in a lot more trouble.

Yeah, so now I have a really bad fear of hooks..I don't think I will ever throw another line in without having glasses or something on when I do it. Just cautioning everyone to take care I suppose. Because that was a really horrible experience which I wouldn't like to hear happening to anyone else.


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Wow man I don't know whether yanking it out would have been the best idea. If it was through a more sensitive part of the eye, you may have done even more damage....

I think in general for first aid in that situation the eye would normally be padded up around the foreign body and help called...

Mind you if you are by yourself I don't know what you would do. For the record whenever I am pulling lines of snags/trees etc, I also look the other way and have taught my buddies to do the same.

A mate of mine broke a bit of plastic piping at work a few years back. A couple shards cut his eye clean over, destroyed the lens and took out part of the iris (I think that was it) and the eye collapsed. After many months of operations etc he only got minimal vision back; the eye is pretty useless. Mind you he is lucky they were able to inflate it again as at first the doctors thought the whole eye was a goner - so everyone be careful with those eyes!

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Yeah, It was just an impulsive reaction top pull it out. We didn't have a torch though. And was getting on towards 7pm. I'm stilled amazed I didn't do more damage. Really felt like I had done something really bad. Feel sorry for your friend, too. Not sure how I would deal with losing any eye. I think some of the nurses thought it was a bit amusing. Even though it clearly WASN'T. Like an episode of bloody Scrubs :)

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Werewolf - good words - take a breath before you take action.

Robsi - you are one lucky man or unlucky man, not sure but the lesson you learnt is in valuable to those not yet experienced such a thing. Cheers and get over it, there is fish to catch.

I hooked Aaron H in the back of the head with a plastic once and I have never forgotten the feeling. Doing it to yourself, well arrrrr.

Sorry Aaron. It certianly made me more aware. :ohmy:

But yeah - wear your glasses. :fishing: :fishing: :fishing:

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