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Double Island adventure 7


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What can i say about last weekend except most people would of been nuts to even attempt to go camping with the weather forecast, However my girlfriend's nephew was looking forward to this for such a long time i just could'nt say no... We left friday morning to arrive to horrible conditions 30+kn Easterlies and some driving rain, A break in the weather gave me a chance to set up and bunker in for the night. All i can say is those OZtrail gazebos for around $200 bucks at BCF and a tarp wrapped around the outsides is almost cyclone proof:) woke saturday with terrible tides but at least the wind was almost calm, Still some rain around but we managed a few nice dart and nothing was more satisfying than seeing him palm his first big greenback dart. after the conditions turned to bad we took shelter at rainbow beach only to my surprise to find lots of baitfish being smashed close by, A quick throw of a cast net and a live mullet straight on a set of gangs. and Bang im on :woohoo: line just screaming off a pretty locked up alvey drag...several mins pass and i managed to land what i guessed was a barracuda? :unsure: . Anyway i did'nt care what it was the excitement on the little guys face said it all and we released it back to terrorise the baitfish. Sunday turned out to be a beautifull day and a real shame to have to leave when the weather turns good but thats life and fishing...:fishing: [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/P2140344.jpg


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