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Landbased at Moogerah?


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Mrs Rocket and I are heading out on a day trip tomm to do a bit of exploring the SE.

The area we are heading to is close to Moogerah.

Never having been there, is it worth putting the bass gear in for a quick landbased session?

Searched the forum history just now, so I know there was a fish-kill out there, but that was a fair while back, and the dam is at approx 46% now, so I'm hoping that there might be some recovery evident.

So mainly 3 questions...

-any landbased spots worth trying?

-where are they?

-are there and fish to catch or did they all croak it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

there is still bass and yellas to be caught , as for land based you could try near the dam wall there is picnic areas there , plus it is a nice rocky drop off which would suit casting lures such as vibs and spinners , if early morning or late arvo you could fish the banks near the cammping and shop area using surface or shallow divers , ... havent been up[ there since the kill but i think that was mainly fish in the gorge that were affected as there was a water hole blocked off from the dam and when a sudden big flow over the falls dropped in there i think it changed the temp to quick , not 100% on that just a theory , chris gallgan in the qfm fresh section might have an email address you could contact him through , he fishes it regulary and is full of great info on both moogerah and maroon... good luck

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Having now seen this dam for myself I can say that I would love to go back and have a fish there...as long as I could somehow "encourage" all the ski-licers to be elsewhere.

The only place that looks fishy when the lice are active is amongst the trees at the back of the dam...I could not find a way to access that area by foot though, so it seems like a boat only prospect?

The weekend we were there recently the lice were thick...boats, shelters and cars packed side by side all along the shoreline. People were absolutly everywhere you turned and that is not my idea of a relaxing fishing destination.

Perhaps mid-week and / or a bit of colder weather would thin the lice crowd, but I would not want to try and do battle with the hordes otherwise.

We did see the picnic area below the dam wall that runs along a creek.

It looked fishy with overhanging branches and snags visible...but once again there were heaps of people there too swimming, shouting, laughing and scaring away the fish. How dare they have a good time :P


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