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Brisbane river mouth report 4/4/09


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hey guys

went for a fish around the mouth of the brisbane river today. Thought it would be a tough day considering all the fresh water. Anyway headed off about 5 and although getting soaked by the rain managed to land a god of around 2.5kg at the cement factory on a jackall tn 60. There was a couple of bust offs and dropped fish but thats life. All in all a very average day but will be going out next weekend to try again and hopefully it doesnt rain til then.

picture of cod will be on later when paulymassy sends it. (its a bit blurry because of the rain and fog etc but its alright)



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yeah it did hit hard, just hopped it off the bottom next to some structure and it went from there. went 50+ centimetres and was pretty fat. left some marks on the jackall. I tried to put the picture up but cannot work out how to do it. Im in grafton atm and dont have the photo, but paullymassy has the photo so ill try and get him to post it.

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Well done there big fella, top Cod.

I have always wanted to try the mouth of the river for a long time but will have to get out there soon.

Without giving away too many of your secrets, have you any advice on possible areas to try, where you cannot fish due to restrictions, what type of lures and SP, size of leader etc.

If anyone out there fishes there a bit and wants to come out on my boat one day for a fish and show me the ropes, you are more than welcome.

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