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moreton bay 13-15/4/09


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hey guys, juat got back from a couple of nights out on moreton bay. headed out monday midday out to moreton bay in what was pretty uncomfortable conditions but the boat was having no troubles just the people getting sick on the boat. we first arrived at a spot about 5nm out from the mouth of the river. fished for about 30mins and decided to leave because of the conditions. we headed out to the tangalooma shipwrecks to moor for the night and see what the conditions were like tomorrow. after a long night of rocking and swaying we woke up to some average conditions (15-20 knnot winds with a fair bit of swell) so we just decided to fish around tangalooma. headed down in the tender to the tangalooma jetty and first cast with a 3in powerbait minnow i got a small tailor. second cast produced a solid tailor (i was pretty happy with my effort so far). then third cast resulted in a few hits but nothing. fourth cast i landed a little pike. after about 20 pike, yakkas, tailor later a school of bonito come crashing in, smashing all the thousands of baitfish that were in the area for about 1minute. this resulted in my brothers bonito of about 2kg ( i could not cast at the bonito because i was hooked up to a pike and had to get it off the line). After the brother getting a bonito i was pretty jealous haha so i decided to keep fishing there and about an hour later produced my first ever bonito and was around that same 2kg mark or 43cm as the bcf brag mat showed.

kept fishing around that area for the rest of the day and got a heap more tailor, yakka, pike, garfish, longtom and then at about 7pm i called it a day. The next day i woke to the sound of bonito smashing a huge school of baitfish about 50m from where we had moored the boat that night. i was a angry because i didnt have a rod ready. After that i was really pumped to catch another bonito. got to the same spot as the other day and started casting. I got a longtom and pike before the bonito started showing up. after a few casts i hooked up to another solid bonito but it spat the hooks. next cast i got onto a solid bonito and managed to land him, he was about the exact same size of 2kg. after that we got the boat ready and headed over to the four beacons for a quick session before heading home. we got to the beacons and started fishing. we got nothing but a few junk fish so we decided to head home. got home at about 5:30pm today and i am looking forward to the next bay trip we do. i do need to find some good spots in the bay so if anyone has any advice please PM me!



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i agree with dhess much more likely to be about 1kg. Did you get any pics? The most common tuna in the bay is a mac tuna and i reckon it was probably these that you were catching. A bonito is more a southern species and has full stripes down its body and they also have teeth.

A mac tuna is pretty much a little torpedo with a slight wavy colouration on its shoulder ;)

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they were bonito. bonito are not really just a southern species. There are a few individual species of bonito in australia but the two most common are the australian bonito (sarda australis) and the watsons leaping bonito (cybiosarda elegans). The Bonito I caught has spots on the top instead of stripes but has the same fins which is a watson leaping bonito. The Australian bonito is found from around the brisbane area through to far south-eastern tip of the mainland and sometimes down in eastern tasmania. The watson leaping bonito starts from the central cost of new south whales all the through queensland to the tip of cape york. So not really a just a southern species. I know what a mac tuna and it was not one. Yes i also would have thought that 43cm would have been closer to 1kg but both pairs of scales showed 2kg.

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Yep heaps of times, although we have far greater success out from mooloolabah behind the waves where the fish are less flighty. Slugs and flick bait style plastics both work especially if they have a bit of sparkle to them like the powerbait range :)

Same techniques for Longtails as well just remember to keep your distance and match the lure to the baitfish their feeding on.

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60'er - that must give a bit of trouble at the boat ramp.

The bay is a tough spot to nominate any one particlar good spot as it is so seasional. It shound to me you were on the money although you were nowhere near any squire or cobia. I suspect the weather had a fair bit to do with that.

The advise I have about the bay is match the catch with the hatch at the right time, tide and season. Not much help but that's all I got.

Good report but would like some photos.

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