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Sensitive Info on Fisheries and Morton green zones


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I just picked up this info from a reliable bloke. Fisheries must be doing it tough. The staff that patrol the bay and boat ramps checking catches and enforcing the new green zone laws are only working between 6am and 6pm monday to friday. Dont you find it hard to believe that after the millions of dollars that were spent on the totaly useless EPA studies on the bay and the subsequent laws being put in place, the advertising and print media that went out that right were the rubber meets the road in rolling all this out there are no fisheries blokes out there when it actualy matters. This to my mind only confirms what a joke this whole morton bay mess actualy is.

Ps.. Fisheries will be pissed to find out that this has been leaked so keep it to yourself :aussie: :aussie:

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Well Tugger, It doesnt have anything to do with wether or not your doing anything wrong, its about them being acountable for the choices they have made regarding bringing in new laws for the bay. After we went through so much to petition them to hear the average fisho's side of the story, after all the money was spent, they arnt even out there when it counts. I reakon its a big deal.. But maybe its just me..

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two words, cut backs

it was threatened before the Queensland election that public service cut backs were to be made if 'so and so' got in, then the other team got in and made the cutbacks anyway.

Dept of ag and forestrys and fisheries now = DPI (and has done for a few years now)

Dept of natural resources and water + EPA , now = DERM,(THIS YEAR), (forget what derm stands for?).

Im sure they guys at DPI (fisheries) would love longer hours and job security, truth is

it is not their decision, its the 'razor gangs' making cutbacks above them.


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off topic a ways, but i followed the police boat around 2 weeks ago trying to get checked. followed them from boggy to the middle of the river, trolling then over to the red beacon to the entrance of fishermans gutter, them 400 mtrs out to the mouth where they nabber a jet ski, trolled right past them, looking hard at them to, and they wouldn't check me. so gave up and came home after that session. just wanted to see if they would check my gear.

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What can you expect when the scientist in charge of collating all data to make the latest Green Zones alterations agreed infront of approximately 90 persons that their input data as had been pointed out was incorrect and therefore the resulting findings nothing but flawed data which served their purpose in meeting a ministerial timeframe.

Also who else are wondering where the $70+ increase within 2years in boat rego funds has gone along with similar % increases in Boat trailer regos. Cetainly have not seen anything of physical benefit except for the propaganda meetings to sell more changes.

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