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Dune Rocks 20-04-09


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After the luck Angus had at Dune rocks last week on tailor and trevs it was my turn to give some slugs a go down at Dune. The bait fish seemed to be thick in the water so things looked good.

2nd cast in and I was on. I thought based on the slug being used (40 gram surecatch cheapy from the Dunwich tackle store) it must have been a tailor. TO my surprise it was a large dart, 40cm length. The next hour saw 3 more of these caught and no tailor. Not that I mind as fresh dart is fantastic.

When they were gutted it become clear it was no surprise they took the slugs. Their stomachs where stuffed with baitfish, some over 10cm long.

The picture shows the size of the slug compated to the fish. The set up used was my Shimano Fire Blood 4000 and G Loomis combo Angus gave me for Christmas.

Angus ill send your Stradbroke Photo's through Its just taking me a while to resize them.

Thanks for reading.

. [img size=400]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/NSI___19_4_09.JPG


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