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Shorncliffe - 2009-06-17


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Excellent evening out at Shorncliffe last night, it was very still and got a chance to crack out a surface lure. A couple near misses in the shallows (probably Bream) but no hookups. Later in the evening there was a lot of activity on the surface just out of casting distance, a good HB or larger popper might have made it that far but alas I'm poor, married (and temporarily out of work, hence out on a Wed. night :) )

Squid are starting to come in, hooked up a nice pencil on a pink 2.5 about 30 seconds after it hit the water, drag was way too loose so it came off, but landed another about a minute later. It was pretty quiet after that but I was really there for the bream.

With virtually no wind and start of the run-out it was light sinkers in the rocks with a pudding mix but not much more than a nibble. I tend to bounce the retrieve to avoid hooking the rocks and it proved irresistable to a 37cm flatty. I bounced a few more around but to catch a flatty on bread? I must have found the dumb one. :huh:

Moved about mid-way to the shelter to try underneath the jetty, dark side, and we were on. 5 bream of various size up to around 23cm thrown back and a couple bigger brutes pulling me around a pylon or tug & release, then finally pulled up a fat 28cm who was very determined not to come up. tonnes of fun on light gear.

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Sausage. Plus a mix of 11 herbs & spices. (of a fish-enticing sort.)

I'm trying to woo my wife into letting me go back out tonight... I want to catch more squid and maybe take another crack at the bream.

That's the first flatty I've ever caught on a line (a couple small ones in the cast net chasing my prawn that I threw back earlier this year.) I knew the general size limit was 30cm but didn't know about the different kinds/limits. Turned out it was a Dusky, 38.5cm when I laid it out. :( Ah well, I'll definitely know better next time.

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haha sounds good

yea its the people who knowingly take undersize fish consistently that do damage so don't feel bad about that one. Just put the next one back for me to catch haha

Just got back from the pier

Got two legal bream as well as a few undersize and a few chopper. Saw a few squid get caught.

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