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loch forbes 7.8.09

James W

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Hey guys n gals!

been a looong time since i have been on here and even longer since i have posted a report.

good to be back thou B)

headed up the coast yesterday to hit loch forbes again.bob forbes (the owner) and myself had a little chat before i started fishing and was pumped to hear the bass were rising just before i got there, and its winter! :blink:

so loaded my gear in the tinnie and drifted around the edges of the lillys armed with atomic prong guzzlers.. no bass in the dam has ever been caught on a sp before im im pretty sure yesterday was the first time they have ever seen them.. prob took about 5 minutes before i had my first hit.was fishing in a section that is 8 ft deep but was runing the prong at about 4 feet deep along the lillys. next cast i nailed one!..the ussuall first run was right in the lillys and then back out and back in again but was able to get this 45cm odd bass out and in the net...yelled out to bob and he kindly took a pic for me..awesome first loch forbes bass on a sp!

so back in the boat and headed down the other end of the dam where its a bit narrower and loads of cover for the bass...saw one come flying out of a clump of weed to smack my sp but i crapped my self and pulled the hook out from him..bummer, he was right under the boat!

next cast was a long one and beofre i could flip the handle i was smoked in the lillys and weeds and got busted up!...was it a bass? or was it a toga or barra??!! i hate that in this place..whenever ya lose a good fish in here ya mind wonders was it one of those damn barra that we are yet to catch! :unsure:

mucked around up this end for 2 more bass and then decided to see if i could get a bass in the more open and deeper parts..

fished the prong down deep like i would for flthead with quick flicks up and letting it sink, BANG! on the drop i was on...another nice bass thet would have been close to 50cm..then since i have just got a bass in a part of the dam i ussually never fish i headed to other spots i have never really tried..fishing right nxt to the hose and float from where they pump water out from the dam and with bob just on the bank watching i was on first cast!..a smaller bass but prob the smallest bass that are in there at approx 35 cm...

so all in all was glad to show the loch forbes bass a sp and nail a few..ended up with 6 fit and fat healthy bass for bout 2 hours fishing.

have lost my camera cable but when it turns up il post up some pics to share.

if its like this now, this coming spring and summer look like a awesome season.. :)

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