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jack on popper help


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Hey all

i have only ever caught one jack, on lure too ;) but i am pretty keen to get one on a popper, that would be sick! is it a common occurence? what size popper would i use? what sort of retrieve would i need to use? what time of day or tide?

Any replys would be a major help



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I know a certain member here has caught plenty on Popper. His lure of choice is the Cultiva Gobo. So similar poppers will all work, MegaBass Popx, Bubble Pop 45's. Yozuri 3D's.

Jacks will also hit stick Lures, Dog x's, Sammy's etc

A steady constant retrieve.

Ensure your hooks are up to the job and fish for them in all the usual spot. Snags, Pylons and rock walls

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Technique is important, but the ones I have caught have more so been due to the location.

A shallow rock bar with water flowing over it is a good place to start - especially if it funnels bait into certain areas of the rock bar. Retrieve with the flow of the water, not against it.

Another spot that works for me is steep vertical rock walls with current running fast, where Jacks heard bait hard against the walls then hit them - a popper cast right to the edge of the wall should bring a strike. This works best if you see bait hit on the surface, then immediately cast to that spot - prospect casting is less rewarding.

Same as above but cast at pylons around jetties, bridges - again especially where bait has just been hit.

The technique that Leighton mentioned is perfect for both these spots.


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