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Fish Measure.


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Got sick of sitting at computer and wishing I was fishing so got off my bum and knocked up a fish measure.

Main reason is that whenever I try to measure a bass it flops around and usually spikes me and I dont get an accurate measurement.

Got an old length of 6inch plastic pipe from the shed and split it down the middle on the sawbench and cut out an infill from a scrap of ply on the band saw.

I still have to decide what I am going to do for the measureing part. But for the moment I am just going to use a tape measure. I want to experiment to see if I can glue the centre part of a NSW brag mat onto it. Just have to find a suitable glue.Otherwise I will just pop rivet a section of tape measure to it.

The pipe section should help to hold the fish steady and if I tilt the measure the nose of the fish will hit the infill and enable an accurate lenght measurement.

Easy to wet down before inserting the fish for measurement and easy to release the fish from so hopefully no more spikes.Only disadvantage that i can see is that it takes up more room than a brag mat.

I have made the whole thing 62cm long to cope for that mythical over 60cm bass that I am going to catch one day.


Ray P3020151_AFO.jpg

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Looks good Ray the pedantic scientific types like to use a 6oomm stainless steel ruler for the measure. In the boat I just use the bragmat in the yak I use an alvey measure on a board. I dont think a 60 will fit in there though. 60s are not a myth just no photo on a measure.

Cheers Steve

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Ray, good on you for being creative.. instead of sitting in front of comp like me. This rain is great but its drivin me nuts. Wanna get out there and chuck a line in. If it still rains by friday, i think im goin to go anyway! Fish hard!

Hopefully u dont get spiked again! Looking forward to pics of fish in it!

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ellicat wrote:

I'm always highly amused when I see xx.5cm quoted from a bragmat measure. Apart from the fact they stretch and shrink depending on the temperature at the time and the way they've been used, they are very rarely completely straight. Measure.jpg

I love those wrinkly bragmat photos some very thoughtfull composition goes into them :laugh:

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checked my nsw brag mat with a steel tape measure .

1 mm out at the meter mark.

check the second 1 i have ,never used ,same as the tape ,not out .

well good enough for me .

i lay my mat flat on the a chopping board or tinny seat ,when i used it .

so not really any wrinkles in it .

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mick fillet wrote:

Does any one measure both sies of there fish?flip the fish on the measure board.

I do. one side of a fish will measure longer than the other side its wierd ay.

There is a long side and a short side to a fish. :blink: any one else.

I do now since you showed me its true to

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Keen-as-fisho wrote:

mick fillet wrote:
Does any one measure both sies of there fish?flip the fish on the measure board.

I do. one side of a fish will measure longer than the other side its wierd ay.

There is a long side and a short side to a fish. :blink: any one else.

How many beers does that take?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: yeah I was waitin for it. nah I am serious there is a long side to a fish nearly always a diferance of 5mm and up to 1.5cm. Bigger the fish the bigger the diferance

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