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Coombabah creek Sunday 14th

max pwr

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Took the yak out yesterday and got to Coombabah and in the water a little before 4am and headed up inbetween a couple of small islands, water is shallow there on the low! about 2 foot but plenty of splashing about so I gave it a crack. Caught around a dozen catfish between 30 and 40cm and ten bream with only 2 being just legal :( . All fish were caught on large peeled prawns on 6lb braid and vanish leaders unweighted. Nothing touched my sp's on the other rod nor the rapala lure I trolled around endlessly. I was expecting to pull a couple of flatties from there but not to be. Fished until 9ish and gave up.

Thinking of giving Soverign Islands a crack one night this week or the weekend as I am determined to catch a decent jack!

By the way there are plenty of poddies in the coomera atm, usually 5 or 10 every cast of the net, seem to be there regardless of the tide too.

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i have always found on the northern side of soverign islands the best. every time i have been there i have caught something without fail using yabbies or prawns. there is some big bream and the odd jack close the the walls. try and look out for a three story house that looks like a castle i have the best luck there.

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