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Late Night Univeristy Fishin


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Hey guys after fishing with my new gear for the first time at breaky and catching that 38cm lizard and 31cm bream i could wait for the next flick :laugh:

i drove to uni at about 6:30pm then studied till 12am when i came back to my car unfortunately i had one of those damn UQ fines sigh.. i guess i deserved it since i parked along the yellow line :lol: even though there was other people there too, they didnt get fined =.= if only i came 30 mins later i would have saved 100 bucks worth of lures :P anyway lucky i brought my gear cause i needed to let off a little steam :lol: i went down to the river and had a fish for about an hour, can caught two breambos :lol: one 28cm and a 32cm . geee the 32cm gave a big fight it was awesome!!! i nearly snagged me too :laugh: im loving my new gear and hard-body fishing more and more1 im addicted!!!!!

sorry for my poor camera skills ahahah >< any tips for night fishing photos?

28 cm (released)


32 cm (released)


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ahah Ben i always go fishing night time and this is my second time using hard body lures and im loving it aye! ahah i tend to use gulp but all i get is flatty with them :lol: but yeah from what i have experienced for the first time its awesome :D

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adambris wrote:

hey mate, what lure is that pink thing? soughta looks like an old McGrath lure i used down south as a kid!


Hey Adam sorry bro its not one of those McGrath lures its a SB ( superbream ) a cheap lure that you can buy from Kmart or Big W :)

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eg_vtec wrote:

dan25 wrote:
Nice one mate, Ive never really tried lures at night, might have to try sometime. :)

i find lures work better at night :blink:

btw nice breams! i remember fishing with you once with paulie

Yeah Thanks mate it must have been way back since i havent fished with Ballus in a long time

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yotzaa wrote:

Nice fish mate, where abouts were u catching these little beauties? I have just purchased some of the same lures to give bream on HB's a try. :cheer:

Welcome to the site mate.

Are you wanting to fish around the Uni?

Have a look at the Dutton Park reports also :)


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yotzaa wrote:

Nice fish mate, where abouts were u catching these little beauties? I have just purchased some of the same lures to give bream on HB's a try. :cheer:

anywhere along the rock edges of UQ aye i had a couple of hits but never hooked up all along the edges of UQ but this was at night and also gotta be careful of security they might give ya a kick ahah

yeah like Angus said there are some good Dutton Park action as well, should check those posts out too

btw welcome to AFO bro your first post on my thread ^^ yay

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