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fish size limits


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thought it might be a timely reminder with alot of us fishing in the Moreton Bay Classic this weekend and you decide to keep your catch there has been some size limit changes recently as i have seen a few posts with members not realising the legal sizes to some species

bream now have to be 25cm minimum (new)

tailor now have to be 35cm minimum (new)

dusky flathead are 40cm minimum and now are 75cm maximum (recent)

other flathead are 30cm minimum

school mackerel are 50cm minimum

spotty mackerel are 60cm minimum

spanish mackerel are 75cm minimum

snapper are 35cm minimum

these are the species on the list this weekend and good luck to those entering


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Just to touch on what Tugger has started there are also bag limits

Bream bag limit of 30

Tailor limit 20

Dusky Flathead limit of 5 (not counting other flathead)

Other Flathead limit of 5(not counting duskies)

Mackerel (Spotties limit 5)

(Schoolies limit 10)

(Spanish limit 3)

Snapper limit of 5

Just got them of the DPI/FISHERIES web site

Cheers dassa

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Not shooting anyone down here, but any fisher person should know these rules and if they don't they should make it there business to.

Plenty of places to find this information,tackle stores have the pamplets and as said earlier the fishweb site..

Also a reminder to all that the lights are working on the boat, I know the water police have been checking out all safety gear so beware..

Alot of guys have been getting $200 fines for not having an all round white light whilst under way..

Have a good weekend fellas, il be working unfortunatly..

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