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Mega Strike Fish Scent

Mungrel Jack

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Hey guys, watchin AFC series 6, saw a fisherman not catchin any fish til he pulled out a tube of "Mega Strike" Fish Scent.

Went to the Tackle warehouse and got a tube for $25!! :ohmy:

anyway.. have been fishing twice now, once at our brissy river with the paste smuthered all over a lure and .... NOTHIN....

anyway, thought id head down to the spit last weekend, slagged a heap of Mega Strike on a Hard Body... nothin.. Then onto a SP.... nothing...... got annoyed...

Decided to revert back to the good ol' fresh prawn for bait...... BANG!!! Breams bigger than a foot long subway, 1m shovel nose, and a squire....

I thought to myself, Farout.... $25bucks!!!! :evil: :evil:

Has anyone caught any fish usin this Scent? what fish was caught and where? Brissy river? Coast?

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It's more of a confidence thing in my opinion. I use it every now and then while surface fishing for bream but whether it works or not who knows :unsure: I Still catch bream on my surface lures whether I use the stuff or not.

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scents are a long debated topic, its widely accepted that some scents ie aniseed, tuna oil etc definately attract fish, who knows whats in the big brand scents these days.

i would say its more than just a confidence things, i've done side by side tests on the lures I produce myself with and without intrinsic scent additives and the scented versions won hands down.

as long as the scent is a known fish attractant and not something strange and completely out there it can only do good to tickle more of the fish's senses in my opinion.



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I won a tube in a prize pack at an abt event, Has not worked for me ever. Most people in the comps never use scent and if any maybe garlic oil.

I think it is more technique and having the right lure on at the time, They have to want the thing first before they taste it.

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