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Dutton Park Bream Session


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Well as is comign fairly habitual I always look out for the usual suspects now as I am riding to and from uni.

as it would happen on Monday I nearly ran over them!!

I didnt have a rod but thought id chill with them for a bit as I was on my way home as opposed to on my to uni.

Anyway I only stayed for about 45 minutes but in this short time I saw 3 big bream, lots of little bream and a massive bricking by a suspected cod. The fish that bricked Sam got close enough to the surface to actually give a nice big swirl bt no colour. After this it went straight down to a cave and was unmovable.

Anyway only got one picture but the lads might be able to elaborate as to what happned after I left.



. dutto1.jpg

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hooked_on_trout wrote:

Nice too see some action down that way again.

Pity about the bricking, mind you, Jew, thready and estuary cod are pretty common around those parts, could have even been a 70cm flatty, I recently caught one in my castnet at Oxely creek pontoon, so it's very possible.


Hahaha last time I was there with Khoi he had a 70cm + flatty right to the rocks. However it was low low tide and there was no way to land it! He swam it around for a few minutes trying to work out an option when it finally spat the lure.


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I'll put up a few pics later..

Long story short fun and awsome little sesh, when I read the title just now i thought >< Gus went without me again haha!

Perfect timing walking there from the car just in time to run into angy, let him use my rod but he was getting iffy bcos of tackle donations but fc leader n hooks < sx60..

I was hanging onto my livie rod hoping for it to get smashed but wasn't to be so I look up to see both my mates win they're rods bent over to what looked like tangled lines from a fish running. Didn't take long for them to realize it was two separate fish and we had a Double hookup! Few secs later angus misses a hit for a potential trip hookup and up come a 30 and 20cm pair of breambos. Angus heads off soon after this but another 3/4 are landed mid-high 20s and a low 30s cod . Dies off after this with fish getting boofed near the surface but not hitting divers or surface so called it day. Not bad for 2 hours haha

landig net has been purchased but I left it on the boat so it's definitely comin next time, dropped 3 good flatties here all over 50!

Cheers for stopping by angus

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Death Ray wrote:

Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

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ellicat wrote:

Death Ray wrote:
Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

at least it will a nice straight spine /neck .

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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ellicat wrote:

Death Ray wrote:
Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

Oh my..a new group has formed :unsure: grumpy old fella`s on a Friday :P ...can I join too :silly: :lol: :laugh: :laugh:

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zan0_15 wrote:

hahaha.......hows the tooth goin davo....?

well it seams my teeth are ok .

its a ear infection from when i had a cold 2 weeks ago ,so got some medicine to fix that up.

still feel like a tooth ache,but when to doctor yesterday cause it was still sore and also got sore ears yesterday.

but over the last week i have taken 2 x 24 paracetamol,1x24 ibuprofen and 10 stronger one with codeine ,managed to strip by gut lining ,so now i feel like i'm going to puke when i eat .

so not more pain killers for 3 days by then i won't need then anyways cause the medicine will have kicked in.

its really an pain in the ass ,but no 50 cents .

but gives me something to whinge about and at least i have my scene of humor back .

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ellicat wrote:

Death Ray wrote:
Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

Upfront I will say that I have an extreme dislike of lipgrips but if taking a fish to eat there is no harm in using them. Pics of oversized flathead or other large fish hanging from them or using them to control fish intended for release are another matter.

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Gad wrote:

ellicat wrote:
Death Ray wrote:
Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

Oh my..a new group has formed :unsure: grumpy old fella`s on a Friday :P ...can I join too :silly: :lol: :laugh: :laugh:

i don't know about Friday .

i'm a grumpy old fella every day .

i reckon i should be able to join too .

not that i'm old but grumpy and a grand dad ,that's got to be worth some points to get in .

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elops wrote:

ellicat wrote:
Death Ray wrote:
Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

Upfront I will say that I have an extreme dislike of lipgrips but if taking a fish to eat there is no harm in using them. Pics of oversized flathead or other large fish hanging from them or using them to control fish intended for release are another matter.

big flathead have a extreme dislike of lipgrips too ,1 threw mine over board .

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Davo_Dinkum wrote:

Gad wrote:
ellicat wrote:
Death Ray wrote:
Another pic of a fish having it's neck stretched. Come on guys, use the grips if you need to, but hold fish flat on a wet towel or something. Gotta make release survival rates better............. I know not all fish get released also.

What a load of rubbish Maybe for some species, but generally any fish that size there is no problem.

Oh my..a new group has formed :unsure: grumpy old fella`s on a Friday :P ...can I join too :silly: :lol: :laugh: :laugh:

i don't know about Friday .

i'm a grumpy old fella every day .

i reckon i should be able to join too .

not that i'm old but grumpy and a grand dad ,that's got to be worth some points to get in .

sorry Davo you miss out,it`s a select group for those grumpy on Fridays only :P

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what about grumpy "younger" fellas do they get a look in........although im quite at ease after having tthis whole week off so grumpy is something im not.....for this friday anyways!

davo i had a "toothy" incident receently of the shattering kind! believe it or not the car seat got me!!!! ffreakishhh accident!!

i hate dentists!!!!

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