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Raby Bay canals 30/5/10


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Was to launch at Cleveland ramp this morning with Tomca at 6am but he required some extra beauty sleep, so I left without him and headed toward the first canal. It was a slow start with litle to no surface action so I whent to the sp's. I mainly used the 2 inch baby shrimp in garlic and banana prawn also the 3 inch Damiki grub shrimp. Had many small bites before landing the first fish, a small lizard at 40cm to kick start the morning :)


It was nearing 8am as I notice Tom struggling in the distance, padling his guts out against the wind :lol: As he arrived I was landing my second flatty at a fly sh!t under legal. He was quickly followed by a better 43cm model.

The flathead where plentiful (with about 8 boated) and I was beginning to wonder where the had bream got too, so I moved away from the rock walls and targeted the boat moorings. Picked up a handful of bream, mostly around 23cm fork lenght and only one keeper at 26cm fork.


We headed back to the ramp around 930am. On my way home I decided that wasn't enough (and because KFC was still closed) so I detoured and headed to tinny ck ramp for another sesh. The wind was alot kinder and I managed to keep the yak in a steady drift. Again I used the 2 inch gulp shrimps and also had a go with the 6 inch sand worms (but they just got bitten in half) Here I boated about ten undersized flatties around 30cm. Off the water by 12 and a pit stop for lunch.

All fish today where caught on the silly string, 2lb fireline crystal and 4lb black magic leader. All released except one flatty. Hopefully next weekend the winds will be a bit less fearce.

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yes, a few undersize bream for me and a couple of flatties, one looked legal-ish and a couple of moses perch. My success came from 2" minnows in pilchard colour and punk prawn colour 2' shrimp. I was using 2lb braid and 3lb leader and resin jigheads

It was a change to paddle an old-school kayak, and must admit around pontoons it did have merit over a hobie.

Hooked-on-trout, the wind sorts the men out from the boys :P

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