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Flat water's off Mooloolaba


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Went out about 6am from Mooloolaba yesterday into the bay area, the water was incredible it was literally like a mill pond so I was able to open the boat up and head over to Old Woman Island. Got there fairly quickly and joined about 4 or 5 other boats in the area. All we seemed to be catching were a Bream looking fish with Browny stripes all undersized and one small cod, plenty of them but no keepers. We then headed off to the Outer Kneerings. This is the farthest out I've been with the boat and the conditions were perfect for it, I reckon about 5klm out from the coast. Very quiet there again a few bites but nothing worth mentioning or keeping so I just enjoyed the time out there and had a short troll around the area.

After a while headed back into the Bay area and saw that the birds were hanging around all over the place again so spent the next hour chasing birds with what looked like Tuna smashing up. Tried a couple of different slug sizes but again no luck but enjoyed the chase. After heading in on a beautiful afternoon with the water still flat and hardly any wind I spoke to some other guys who had been in the Bay and they reckoned that they had the same luck chasing the Tuna nor had they heard of anyone catching any. Might need some of you Southerners to get up here and show us how to do it>

In the end a top day on the water and no fish worth mentioning but a great day out hope to try again this weekend


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ellicat wrote:

You getting too lazy to do reports, Terry ?

Dave, There's a lot of undersize reefies in that area.

The little brown striped fish were probably striped trumpeter. They infest the Bay also.

Trumpetor or maybe Tarwhine. Tarwhine are very very breamy but with the stripes (if not faint).

And yes Terry is getting lazy on the report :P Judging from Lee and his facebook pictures anyway :P


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Just had a look at some pictures of Tarwhine and trumpeters the one we caught were Tarwhine for sure. Think I'll head further out next time looks like its Snapper catch time this month. The tuna were the smae yesterday only there for a few seconds then off to another spot but absolutley everywhere in the bay.

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Davey,the annoying part up there on sat was that there were hundreds of birds smashing the water in the northern part of the bay, but no fish busting up under them.

Tried letting them sink a little while, but nothing on that.

Angus, we only have a couple of photos - and lee has them...

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Good to hear the weather was good for you Dave. Just had a look at seabreeze and saw that it was blowing 10-15 at Cape Moreton all morning and was thinking that I hadn't missed out on much.

Will definitely chase some snapper in the next few weeks.

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dhess wrote:

Good to hear the weather was good for you Dave. Just had a look at seabreeze and saw that it was blowing 10-15 at Cape Moreton all morning and was thinking that I hadn't missed out on much.

Will definitely chase some snapper in the next few weeks.

Fish of the Month is Snapper Dom, let me know we'll take my boat out you poin the way


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daveylad wrote:

dhess wrote:
Good to hear the weather was good for you Dave. Just had a look at seabreeze and saw that it was blowing 10-15 at Cape Moreton all morning and was thinking that I hadn't missed out on much.

Will definitely chase some snapper in the next few weeks.

Fish of the Month is Snapper Dom, let me know we'll take my boat out you poin the way


Done deal. Its been pretty quiet on the snapper front offshore for me for a while. Would be good to get onto some nice fish.

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Danny, I will happily disagree.

I normally don't crank the slugs in, I use a moderate wind on my sustain 4000. Certainly don't burn it.

Lee on the other hand typically burns it in.

Each slug works differently, and will need different speeds.

The fish will strike differently depending on the day and conditions. The trick is to figure out what works on the day.

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tugger wrote:

your coming in to winter now dave and we should get more days when it is calm to head offshore so you should get some experience out there over the next couple of months and it is when the snapper come on the increase :fishing:

Yes Mark already looking daily at the weather forecasts looking at a bit further out next time and lining up a trip out to the Banks with Dhess hopefully while the snapper contest is on..remember the 10kilo one they reckon they are out there :)

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