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early to mid monday AM


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Ever since I ran the new sounder in the river ive been itching to get out and take another look at the seabed, so when i woke up around 2am monday AM and couldnt get back to sleep, i went for a solo.

Spent more time just sounding around the place than fishing I think, great fun just finding random things you'd otherwise drive over. ive been wanting to do a bit of fishing around mud for a change recently and started heading out but checkd seabreeze on the phone and there was some decent southerlies forecast so didn't particularly wanna get soaked on the way back in, still recovering from a flu lol. so i stopped at the front wall and threw some vibes around over some reefy and weedy patches out from the wall itself, still dark at this stage but getting toward the morningtime

got a few 40ish snaps, didn't bother taking pics and didnt have an esky so i just released boatside. got a better hit and some more weight, I thought cod right away as ive cauht plenty there before but the fight was a bit different, ended up being a jew just on legal.

harder work dealing with him solo and keeping the boat in position as this was a fiesty one, got a quick snap of his gob but he'd been out of the water for a fair while once i got the hooks out so put him straight back in.

stayed around till it got light then headed back in the river for some serious sounding. Drove around for some hours lol, found a few nice looking patches I will be hitting in the future and also saw some more great bait schools

tried a few jew spots in the river for a while but didn't get much love, eventually (quite a bit later on) hooked a nice cod at 60cm. pulled the plug after this surprised at how much more fuel i used than normal with all the driving and sounding





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speaking of the glow, my ever constant tinkering has arrived at the finished glow colour. ive used a different additive than the first glow pics i put up, giving it a sparkling glow instead of a flat one, also it charges quicker under lower intensity light and glows brighter.

will get a good glow under headtorch LED light and better glow under a bright white bulb etc

currently only available with a sparkle pearl daytime colour but more base colours coming.



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i didnt think to get any sounder shots, ill take a snap next time im out and find a nice show of bait. if theres fish on the sounder i dont know how much patience i'd have with taking a photo of the sounder hahaha

mark i was kind of hoping it would look like a squid in night mode lol



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