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Scarborough 9/6


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Headed out with Justham and Tomca today off scarborough in search of snapper. As we pedaled our way to the first spot I trolled a rapala magnum pilchard with no luck. The donut was avoided with the plentiful amount of pike destroying my gulp shrimps :angry: I managed to get onto a few bream with 3 or 4 in the low 20cm's and 3 legals at 25.5, 28 and 31cm (fork lenght)

I don't know how the other guys went with the snapper, but only one at 30cm was netted on my yak :( The conditions where glassed out until we packed up and a riple started to form as we left :P We did about 8km's

Just the one pic off my camera today, Tomcas flash new ride and battling with a trevally,


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It was nice to have a day off coincide with awesome weather.

On the troll out my rod loaded up and then nothing...just leader :huh:

I will assume the culprit was a spotty mac, as Justham landed one right beside me moments later.

Drifted around bouncing plastics and catching 4 pike to every bream, and the occasional baby pink bream :blush: Moved up onto the rocky shallows and was quickly rewarded with a good fight on the light gear using a 3" pichard colour shad


Justin was in the right place, right time when a boil rose in front of him and he quickly hooked up



And Den was still trying to perfect his bream technique




Nice day on the water with great company, lets hope the weekend turns on this sort of weather again

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dassa wrote:

Nice photo tez you didn't what a photo of tom anyway whould of just ruined the shot. :P:P What camera are you using? Hey dennis I'm starting to think pike are like cat fish worth -1 :P

Canon 50D with a Sigma 24-60mm lens for this shot. It is actually cropped to about 1/4 the original size.

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Was a great day out on the water even though the snapper didn't want to play.

Picked up a mackerel on the troll out ( sorry no pic ) that went 58 to tip of tail but he went back.

Picked up a tailor on the troll as well that went in the esky.



There were also the usuall pike and small squire.

The weather is looking good for friday as well so will probably head out again

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