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Lunch time flick


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Hey Guys n Gals,

The girl was keen to go shopping today so down the coast we went to fulfill her needs, so I chucked my new rod in also. Anyways after a few hours and a suggestion of fish n chips by the water I finally had a chance to have a quick flick. Out came the new rod, a box of lures and off I went to christen the new stick. 1st cast in and I was on to a nice 26.5cm fork length bream. Was stoked to christen the new rod on its 1st outing and the 1st cast :cheer: :cheer:


Next cast saw me onto another bream this time around the 25cm mark.


Went quiet for the next 10mins then got onto a nice little flattie and another smallish bream.



Tried out one of the new cranka shads and got absolutely smashed 3rd cast but unfortunately didn't hook up. I wound the lure in to find that one of trebles had been rolled over. Was dissapointed that none of the other hooks pinned the fish but that's fishing isn't it. :(


by this time it was getting really windy so decided to call it quits. Was a good little session for the 30mins I was fishing and nothing beats the feeling of catching a fish on a rod you built yourself :) .


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Cheers guys,

@ keen as - Brand name is cranka.

Kenshin didn't feel like a jack when it hit, so I dont think it was one even though I have caught them here before. It's got me puzzled what it was. It's just one of those things you'll never find out about. :(

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Kenshin wrote:

have to have some serious jaw strength to crush the trebles with a nibble, iv had fish straighten those hooks before but never crush them

I've had GT's roll trebles on small px45's before but im stuffed if I know what this was.

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great work mate, wish i could have sessions like that, far out

i am so jealous you guys are able to go out and in such short time have such great success. i need to find some spots like that, i seem to never be able to get them on lures.

great work, :)

I'm certainly jealous :P

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Hey Dell, was that you in flickin the lures right up against the bank wall today around 10ish? With the back pack?

Im sure it was you, but wasnt game to scream across to the other side.... if so, this is what we landed today... same spot as you


my 32cm flatty. Up for a few pics and back in she went. Second cast using Berkely gulp prawn

then 5 minutes later, up came Dad's catch of the day... a nice sweet lip. Looked too beautiful to keep so we sent her back in after a few snaps. Overall catch was 5 bream, 1 sweet lip, 1 flatty all in 3 hours of fishin...


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Yeh mate that was me dressed all in pink like always :blush: :blush: you wouldve noticed me having some frustrating line issues lol. Sounds like you had a good session yourself. Next time you're in the same spot have a flick under that bridge as I always get smoked by big fish under there. That looks like a sladey bream to me not a sweetlip. Dono what you guys call em down here but we used to call them sladey bream in NQ.

Might have to hook up for a fish in the same spot some other time


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Dell wrote:

Yeh mate that was me dressed all in pink like always :blush: :blush: you wouldve noticed me having some frustrating line issues lol. Sounds like you had a good session yourself. Next time you're in the same spot have a flick under that bridge as I always get smoked by big fish under there. That looks like a sladey bream to me not a sweetlip. Dono what you guys call em down here but we used to call them sladey bream in NQ.

Might have to hook up for a fish in the same spot some other time


Yeah, would be sweet to fish up together sometime. Hey Dell as for the fish me old man caught, im pretty sure its a "Painted Sweetlip"...... i think. :dry: Google images. :huh:

There's some bloody huge fish in there but just like every other spot, it takes time & patience. My old man caught that painted sweetlip / sladey bream from underneath the bridge. :woohoo:

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Kenshin wrote:

that sladey bream would have gone hard on bream gear, you guys fishing the goldcoast?

yeh mate it is the coast. alot of good landbased spots down there. Just hop on google earth and do some research ;)

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qbkami wrote:

nice season Dell, the picture which you are holding the lure at the end i see that there is a bent hook that goes right up to the neck i want to know why. one of my lures has got the same bends ont the trebles.



cheers mate,

not sure why one of your trebles has the same thing. Did you put too much pressure on it or something?

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