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First Service on my Fireblood 2500FA


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Well my Fireblood 2500 is about 2 years old and I thought It might be time for a check up.

Not having serviced a reel before I went into the unknown on quite a risky task especially with my favorite reel.

I pulled it right down except left the gear assembly in the body as I could spray them clean without removal.

I had purchased some Protecta reel oil and Alvey reel grease for the job, I also purchased a bottle of disk brake cleaner to flush the old lube and any dust out.

On opening it looked pretty sweet and did not really need it, but It does feel better and now I have peace of mind.

The dismantling and assembly was ok as all I needed at first was a small spanner and a few small screw drivers + Precision set.

I came across an obstacle when I had to remove a hex nut that must have been around .5mm , not your average size, but I persisted and filed down a 1.5mm allen key for the job and it worked a treat.

I noticed the reel did have a few plastic components in it, which a felt was a little bit crappy for a $550.00 reel.

I lost 2 springs in the carpet and honestly spent around an hour looking for each one, I was determined not to lose that elusive bloody spring, and you know what I found them both.

Ok I will end this with a question.

I have read the Fireblood 2500 has a 7kg drag.

I could not find any info on the box or schematic detailing the drag specs.

How can you tell what drag your running and what does it mean in terms of Kg?

Picture of my home made Allen key and the products I used.

Cheers DSCF4082_AFO.jpg

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