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boat rock to flinders reef 21st 23rd and 24th


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Took the boat outside for the first time and it performed beautifully as you would expect with weather like this a 10 ft tinny woudve almost done the job. We tackled all 3 channels of south passage on both incoming and outgoing without a hitch.

On thursday i done a quick trip to boat rock with my brother and his boss before calling it early for ball and chain issues with my brother called it from there at 10am after boating a 46 snap a 35 mosses and a 39 tusk fish.

3am Saturday headed out again with my mate to boat rock for a 45 snap and countless other small reefies before noticing the army of boats heading to our location so we pulled the pin and headed to what was supposed to be the wave rider buoy but to our dismay and i think the 3 other boats that either followed us there or got the gps marks from the same site all that was there was a great big expanse or glassy blue water we threw the lures out anyways in hope of something and proceeded to troll north to moreton for no action a bit more bottom bashes produced more small reefies but nothing of size. Back to viccy point to put the boat on the trailer for a refuel because raby bay fueling station was closed, And isnt that ramp just swarming with inconsiderate tools on the weekend there was about 6 boats waiting to trailer there boats while one side of the jetty was taken up by one young girl on a jet ski who was still sitting in the same spot after we refueled and was putting the boat back in the water, and the other side was just free for all people jumping the cue and others getting the shits on doing "doughnuts" if you can call them that in there tinnies and jet ski's. The blokes at the Viccy point vmr had restored some sort of order there by the time we got back and were in the process of telling the young jet skier to either trailer there ski or head off.

After the refuell we headed for dunwich where we anchored for the night and picked up a few small tailor before bed. Another early morning and off to boat rock again tried trolling some big divers around the rock for nothing before the other boats showed up. Off we headed again to scout some new grounds trolled half way up moreton for nothing again. A decision was made to up lures and head off to the cape but not before my sounder had seen 100 mtrs of water so out we went thought what the hell dropped a line and ill be damn but we pulled up the strangest looking flatty youve seen in your life we were just in awe at this thing we forgot to get a photo before sending him on his way.

After the haul to the cape we seen some action on the sounder at the smiths rock area so out the baits went, first drop a small amberjack and coral trout a quick pic and back in they went but before long the trout resurfaced and did not recover put him in the bait tank with the pump running for some extra oxygen no help at all any ideas?? he came from 20 mtrs of water

Soon after we headed home stopping to take some pics and a snorkel at tangalooma















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