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Weipa Turned Hospital Trip


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Well, after having planned our trip, my mate and I headed to weipa earlier this month for a good fish before the reality of uni and tafe set in. The plan was to spend 7 days in weipa with an old friend fishing then 2 days in cairns exploring.

The first day of fishing out on the boat was a bit of a flop, with only 2 little cod and a few lost bream hooked... But the scenery of the little mangrove lined creek we fished and the spectacular FNQ weather was well worth it! Beer and lunch made up for the drenching afterwards!

The second day we headed to Redbeach, so named for its blood-red bauxite sand. With live and fresh mullet the first cast saw a little shovelnosed ray on my line. Looking up!! Throughout the day we spotted a few crocs to 4m which was cool, and all of the fishing attention was concentrated on my little bream outfit, with a total of 3 queenies to 56cm and 4 grunter to 54cm. There was also 2 unstopables, one that emptied my spool and another that snapped the leader connection on my 50lb outfit! Great fun! My mate also hooked up an 87cm bullshark too. Ended up a great day (expect for our host who thought it would be funny to hide a fake croc head in some mangroves and pull it toward me!!!)

The next day however, I woke up with pain in my stomach. It was my grumbling appendix and I was soon in the hospital on painkillers and fluids. As weipa has no surgical facilities or CT scanners, I was put in overnight and released the next day when my pain subsided mostly. However, as it turns out, my appendix had actually burst, causing temporary relif of pain, and the next morning I awoke in agony. Soon enough I was aboard the Royal Flying Doctor service on my way to cairns hospital for emergency surgery. As it happens I had peritonitus as a result too.

So, I ended up spending the rest of my holiday and a bit recovering in cairns hospital...

Sigh... One day, I will organise a fishing trip that actually goes according to plan...



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Yeh he thought it was pretty funny, and I did when I realised I was not about to be consumed by an oversized reptile!!!

Well, considering I had been in and out of hospital with this problem for 6 months or so, it seems I had to go 600kms away from any scalpel for it to finally be recognised as an infected appendix!!! Previous times I had been told I was not in enough pain and sent home with Codien...

Will definatly be heading back asap... or maby Vanuatu??? We shall see...

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Dont say that, my family has a history of having botched Gall Bladders!!! :sick:

Haha, its just a matter of respecting every bit of water you see and not being foolish about it, Cause you really will not see them till your head is wrapped in quality handbag leather and pointy necklace decorations... For example, don't go cast netting, at night, in knee-deep water off a boat ramp where the resident croc was recently spotted... Like I did :blush:

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Dont say that, my family has a history of having botched Gall Bladders!!! :sick:

Haha, its just a matter of respecting every bit of water you see and not being foolish about it, Cause you really will not see them till your head is wrapped in quality handbag leather and pointy necklace decorations... For example, don't go cast netting, at night, in knee-deep water off a boat ramp where the resident croc was recently spotted... Like I did :blush:

Damn, I will have to come up with another plan now:lol: :lol: Thanks for the advice, Clevo!
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