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Importing boat from USA

Bri The Pom

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Has anyone imported a boat from the US, My question is do you have to modify the trailer at all or can you register it ok.

Or what department would be able to tell me, im going to start with the queensland transport office at Helensvale.

Just wondering is it worth buying the boat only and a trailer manufactured from here.


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Sorry I'm no help to you there Bri - but on a sidenote, as we were getting the boat ready to head home today my Kiwi uncle mentioned that over there they now have to have something fluro on their props when driving on the road so people don't drive their car into them. We both decided that if someone was silly enough to do that they deserved to get a big propeller imprint in their bonnet!!!!!

Good luck with it. What size are you looking at for interests sake?


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I have a neighbour who imports from USA . I am fairly certain he gets trailer made to aussie specs over there and brings the whole rig over as rollon roll off cargo.

It is a lot cheaper that way rather than having to get trailer modified to comply with australian ADRs.

Also quite a bit on Ausfish on this subject



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Yeah I think brad and ray are right a lot of their trailers are apparently set up for use in the fresh only so will need a few mods.

There is alot of info about this on breammaster as plenty of blokes there import skeeters and rangers etc. Some do it through a boat broker, others on their own.

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