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The river yesterday


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Hi again,

Not a lot to report from yesterdays session, got there on the runout tide and it was wet and windy and the water was not nice and clear like it has been the last few weeks , not enjoyable at all.

Only two Flat fish caught for the day although one was my mate Anthony’s (yes two Anthony’s) first fish on a plastic, and it was quite a good fish too.


The other was significant because it was my first fish in my brand spankers AFO shirt, and a very nice shirt it is too haha.


The only other exciting thing that happened was me getting the fourby bogged trying to help two blokes who’d managed to drown their Jeep, we both had to be recovered by the tow truck, oh wasn’t that an adventure.

Anyway that’s about it for yesterday it ended up being a little disappointing but no donuts and I was pretty happy about Anthony’s first.

Thanks for reading,


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