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Just wondering if there are any AFO'ers who like a game of No Limit Hold Em? I was thinking if there was a few people who were keen we could set up a bit of a poker night (maybe run it every few of months on a friday night).

Havent put in any thought as to details just putting it out there to see if anyone's keen......

8-10 guys - a few beers and maybe a cigar or 2, might be a good opportunity to put a few faces to the names.

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Lookin good for a game then :woohoo:

1. Me, 2.51MPL, 3.Walrus, 4. Gazmac, 5.Dazza 6. Chris 7. My mate Brennan 8. .... 9. ..... 10. .....

Now we just have decide on a date and location. The games I played in previously we would alternate locations so that everyone has a turn of hosting and traveling. I'd be happy to host the first game at my place which is at Warner on the North Side, I'v got the chip set so all is ready once we get a date.

Dassa im good with a Saturday so if everyone else is happy with that im open to suggestions on the date. Im thinking that a few weeks after Easter would be a good starting point (and I've got my sons b'day a couple of weeks after that) - allow everyone time to plan for it how about Saturday the 28th of May at my place? Let me know what you guys think, still a couple of seats open too, I reckon 10 in total would be good.



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