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Moreton Bay Trip - 21st-22nd April


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Shot out with a mate to a spot off the tip of Moreton Island on Thursday night after work for a overnight/morning session. Good trip with some nice fish caught for our good Friday BBQ. I was suprised by the number of small snapper we caught so early in the season as well with one going legal though we let him go as we already had a feed in the esky. Might be a productive snapper season?? Cheers, Joycey.






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good session mate wat were u getting em on :)

Cheers mate. Got the lot on pilchards. Mackerel were caught by floating a whole pilchard on 5/0 circle hook and small pea sinker. All the rest were caught on diced pilchard on bottom bashing paternosta rig, again on 5/0 circles.

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