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EPIC bass and bream


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I had a shocker yesterday so I decided to try and make up for it this morning. Me and Mau arrived at dawn and after 5 or 6 casts I landed a nice little 26 cm bass. After a few lost lures we decided to go for a walk to find some new ground. The action was slow until my Atomic 38 got munched after it landed next to a sunken tree. After a short battle I landed a nice 40cm bass. Not long after that I was still using my orange and black Atomic 38 mid (my absolute fav lure of the moment) when it got smashed in between 2 large rocks near the bank. The stella was screaming, I upped the drag and turned his head. Finally I landed my PB bass... 51cm!! The action was slow again so we went for another walk. We found a nice pool after some shallow rapids and didn't get a hit. I had noticed heaps of herrings on the walk there and also saw some big silver flashes in the deeper water on the edges of the rapids. I left Mau to keep throwing his spinnerbait while i threw my 38 into the deeper edges of the rapid. Twitch twitch..BANG!! A nice bream of about 27-28cm. I fished that 1 pool for the next hour and a half and landed 4 bass and 19 bream (yes i was counting), all between about 25 and 32cm. And lost at least another 15. Didn't take many pics, was too busy letting them go so I could catch another one :) I hadn't had a session this good in a long time and I wondered how the day could get any better. I was still fishing the rapids when I heard the magical sound of a reel screaming. Mau was on!! I ran down and was amazed when he landed his PB bass too... 52cm!!! All up the count for the day for 2 people 4 hours was 8 bass 2pb), 19 bream and a herring which actually hit my 38 crank!! Mau kept his big fish for some Kiwi feast, that should put him in the good books. Great day had!!

Thanks for reading..Dan


40 cm bass


26 cm bass


Mau's 52 cm PB...The colour is due to the fact that this is the fish Mau kept to eat. It had been dead about 2 hours. It was a very fat and healthy fish with zero red colourings to speak of.


My 51 cm PB


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Congrats on the PBs.

Have to agree with Jords, the 52 bass looks like it's had a hard time, very skinny in the belly.

Maybe a dam escapee that's finding the new environment hard!!


Yeah definitely a lot smaller girth than the 51cm one!

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Um the colour is due to the fact that this is the fish Mau kept to eat. It had been dead about 2 hours. It was a very fat and healthy fish with zero red colourings to speak of. This colour change happened after capture. If Mau weren't so shy and would let me post the photo of when it was caught you would see. So anyway, yeh it was a really healthy fat, wide fish.

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