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what would you do


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my mate is up in harvey bey fishin atm of the urangan jetty. he just caught a 8ft shoverly. being that the jetty if min 5m of the water, would you do

A, cut the line leaving a line trail and hooks still it it ( stainless circle hook )

B, gaff it in the cartlidge in the nose, get the hook out and release it.

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B, gaff it in the cartlidge in the nose, get the hook out and release it.

Just incase the Hooks dont fall out, or the fish gets caught up on something.

Thats just mt 2c worth.. :)

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i'd climb any of the ladders they have there and dehook it easy peasy

last i was up their, their was only one ladder half way down on the right side heading out along the jetty.

it was the start of the out goin rite at the end, so their were no sand bars to beach it on either.

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and then after, i'd not have my bait on the bottom where big frikkin fish like that hang out

it took a herring intended for a goldie

Your the shark man what would you do Kurt :) Im worried i would lose my fingers :pinch: if i placed my hand near its mouth

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and then after, i'd not have my bait on the bottom where big frikkin fish like that hang out

it took a herring intended for a goldie

Your the shark man what would you do Kurt :) Im worried i would lose my fingers :pinch: if i placed my hand near its mouth

they have no teeth. just raspie plates.....

hard decision cause of the tide it would have gaffed it in the nose. if the gaff man if good and precise, he can place a good gaff shot.

when me and a mate is up their chasing blueies, we get big macs as by catch and we can evan gaff them in the mouth so we can release them

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Ive been in the exact same situation in the same place you cant pin a big shovel with a pier gaff their skin is too tough and you cant get enough leverage had to bust it off and let it keep the hook

they got it exactly on the nose, and brought it up and the locals up their wanted their heads

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If low tide, maybe try to guide the shark back towards the shallows and have someone climb down the ladder and try to release it that way,

I gotta say mate, no matter what your mate did the locals would have been annoyed or upset etc..

When i was up there over Easter if you try to fish the end of the jetty you get dagger stares and comments to move away, i fished up that way briefly and just gave as good as i got, i wan't about to let them push me around !! some guys have 6 bloody lines in the water and think they own the jetty !!!!

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If low tide, maybe try to guide the shark back towards the shallows and have someone climb down the ladder and try to release it that way,

I gotta say mate, no matter what your mate did the locals would have been annoyed or upset etc..

When i was up there over Easter if you try to fish the end of the jetty you get dagger stares and comments to move away, i fished up that way briefly and just gave as good as i got, i wan't about to let them push me around !! some guys have 6 bloody lines in the water and think they own the jetty !!!!

i no what you mean. i fish the jetty about 6 times a year and actually got into punch ups with some of them.

one in pacticalar, he said this is my jetty and cut my 2 lines and my 2 mates 2 lines as well. boy was it on. i taught him a lession in manners but that night my car got broken into and all the sound system was stollen and all windows were smashed.

he got what was comin to him, little did he no he gloated to my best mate in harvey, and then he coped a nother hiding. 1.5 weeks later i get all my gear back and 500 ducks in the post from my mate sayin hear is your gear back.......... how good is that

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well thats unfortunate about your car. hervey bay has an underbelly thats for sure.

this whole post has gone all tangenty.

if originally you'd offered more than A or B it would have been better. if its high tide then climb the hell down if its so important to take the moral road. i grew up there and every big shovelly i saw captured, either busted the fisho off during the fight, busted off during the attempted gaffing or busted off after several almost-successfull gaffings.

and localisms everywhere. they are just protecting what is theirs by location and regularity

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well thats unfortunate about your car. hervey bay has an underbelly thats for sure.

this whole post has gone all tangenty.

if originally you'd offered more than A or B it would have been better. if its high tide then climb the hell down if its so important to take the moral road. i grew up there and every big shovelly i saw captured, either busted the fisho off during the fight, busted off during the attempted gaffing or busted off after several almost-successfull gaffings.

and localisms everywhere. they are just protecting what is theirs by location and regularity

all in all it swam awy quite well. locals are local yes, but you dont need to be rude about it

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If low tide, maybe try to guide the shark back towards the shallows and have someone climb down the ladder and try to release it that way,

I gotta say mate, no matter what your mate did the locals would have been annoyed or upset etc..

When i was up there over Easter if you try to fish the end of the jetty you get dagger stares and comments to move away, i fished up that way briefly and just gave as good as i got, i wan't about to let them push me around !! some guys have 6 bloody lines in the water and think they own the jetty !!!!

i no what you mean. i fish the jetty about 6 times a year and actually got into punch ups with some of them.

one in pacticalar, he said this is my jetty and cut my 2 lines and my 2 mates 2 lines as well. boy was it on. i taught him a lession in manners but that night my car got broken into and all the sound system was stollen and all windows were smashed.

he got what was comin to him, little did he no he gloated to my best mate in harvey, and then he coped a nother hiding. 1.5 weeks later i get all my gear back and 500 ducks in the post from my mate sayin hear is your gear back.......... how good is that

Haha sorted em out love ya work !!!!!

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Last time i was there must of been 7-8 years ago and most of the guys that were heading to the end had the 6 lines honestly thought they mite of carcked it by now. I honestly hate that jetty with a passion cant fish the end if you get something decent you either have to kill the fish to get it up or get broken off.

On a low tide there is a channel then a very long sandbank then the end. If it was a daytime you could of walked it towards the bank climb down the ladder then deal with it

My answer out of A or B. I dunno which one i personally dont like the idea of gaffing it in its nose id dare say that even you did gave it in the nose it you wouldnt be able to lift it up without it tearing through. Quite possibly if you did have a tail rope on the fish it would break its backbone. The other doesnt seem to wise either. This is a hard one for sure.

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